Open SethTisue opened 1 year ago
I've sorted out some update issues and released a new version.
Nice — thanks for letting me know.
I tried to see if I could re-add simulacrum-scalafix to the community build, but now that I dig a bit deeper, it seems that although scalafix's main
branch is on Scalameta 4.7, that upgrade (from 4.6) still hasn't been included in a release yet that you could depend on here.
it appears from that @bjaglin intends to do a release at some point
@vendamere we could leave this issue open while we wait for that release, or you could close it if you like since it's isn't currently actionable — up to you
@SethTisue, I'll leave it open and update once scalafix is released and updated.
over at, I am dropping simulacrum-scalafix from the Scala 2.13 community build because it has fallen too far out of date with these dependencies
from my side, this isn't a tragedy — we want to have lots and lots of projects in the community build, and this one contributes to that, but isn't otherwise special, so far as I know.
but I thought I'd least open an issue to let you know
(presumably at some point you might need to do these upgrades for your own reasons?)