Open sh0hei opened 3 years ago
I'm having the same problem:
trait Auth[F[_]] {
def auth(req: Request[F]): OptionT[F, User]
object Auth {
def fromCookie[F[_] :Monad :Sessions :Users]: Auth[F] =
req => Sessions[F].read(req).fold(OptionT.none[F, User])(Users[F].findLoggedIn)
[error] /Users/ashkan/Hobby/Shahname/jvm/src/main/scala/ir/ashkan/shahnameh/Auth.scala:9:2: Cannot find a wildcard type in supposed n-arity type constructor
[error] @typeclass
I'm having the same problem in coursier here (
Same issue with Scala 2.13.8
\src\main\scala\autocopy\helpers.scala:17:4: Cannot find a wildcard type in supposed n-arity type constructor
[error] @typeclass trait Empty[F[_]] {
For those who encoutered this error - I created a fork (& published) in which simulacrum is updated to work with recent 2.12 & 2.13 compiler versions:
In our project, we also encountered the following compilation error in Scala 2.13.7.