Open nkgm opened 3 years ago
Glad I remembered this issue :) I can reproduce it without Scalacheck, in the following build:
What's fascinating is that in the same build I have tests that use exactly the same resource (that includes Skunk) (integrationTests) and they've never failed.
I attempted to give a more self-contained version of OP's snippet, with Scala CLI (run it with scala-cli test file.scala
//> using lib "org.tpolecat::skunk-core:0.3.2"
//> using lib "com.disneystreaming::weaver-cats:0.8.0"
//> using testFramework "weaver.framework.CatsEffect"
//> using lib "com.disneystreaming::weaver-scalacheck:0.8.0"
//> using scala "2"
import cats.effect._
import skunk._
import skunk.implicits._
import natchez.Trace.Implicits.noop
import skunk.codec.text.text
import weaver._
import weaver.scalacheck._
import org.scalacheck.Gen
object SkunkWeaverSuite extends IOSuite with Checkers {
type Res = Resource[IO, Session[IO]]
// high count with low pool size (100, 1) triggers the issue consistently but will still trigger for
// low count / high pool size (1, 10), though not every time.
override def checkConfig: CheckConfig =
CheckConfig.default.copy(minimumSuccessful = 100)
override def sharedResource: Resource[IO, Res] = {
host = "localhost",
port = 5432,
user = "postgres",
database = "postgres",
password = Some("mysecretpassword"),
max = 50
test("skunk") { pool =>
forall(Gen.alphaNumStr) { _ =>
pool.use {
pg =>
pg.execute(sql"select version();".query(text)).map { v =>
expect(!v.isEmpty) // irrelevant
But no matter how much I run it I can't seem to reproduce the issue.
So this leaves Weaver and Skunk, I will try to run skunk with debug logging to see if there's any hints.
Here's the full sequence of debug logging:
2022.10.08 11:06:58:866 io-compute-9 INFO π³ [testcontainers/ryuk:0.3.3]
Creating container for image: testcontainers/ryuk:0.3.3
Container testcontainers/ryuk:0.3.3 is starting: 74e76644f679a4ede92aff2a563bbdfd28dcbf9add0ead2ea393999114d92130
Container testcontainers/ryuk:0.3.3 started in PT0.536578S
[info] + landing page 4s
[info] + landing page 2 4s
β StartupMessage(test,test,Map(client_min_messages -> WARNING, DateStyle -> ISO, MDY, IntervalStyle -> iso_8601, client_encoding -> UTF8))
β StartupMessage(test,test,Map(client_min_messages -> WARNING, DateStyle -> ISO, MDY, IntervalStyle -> iso_8601, client_encoding -> UTF8))
β AuthenticationSASL(SCRAM-SHA-256)
β AuthenticationSASL(SCRAM-SHA-256)
β SASLInitialResponse(SCRAM-SHA-256, ByteVector(33 bytes, 0x6e2c2c6e3d2a2c723d45547d6c5323396f24737c6d6b51392f2f34732f254a6f51))
β SASLInitialResponse(SCRAM-SHA-256, ByteVector(33 bytes, 0x6e2c2c6e3d2a2c723d3e5830487a6857327634656429535e796a4e2a644679764e))
β AuthenticationSASLContinue(ByteVector(84 bytes, 0x723d3e5830487a6857327634656429535e796a4e2a644679764e51417557447535782b327a6370693272617a61324d6441392c
β AuthenticationSASLContinue(ByteVector(84 bytes, 0x723d45547d6c5323396f24737c6d6b51392f2f34732f254a6f514474724c4a6e49434a4567417678366964703565747556372c
β SASLResponse(ByteVector(104 bytes, 0x633d626977732c723d45547d6c5323396f24737c6d6b51392f2f34732f254a6f514474724c4a6e49434a4567417678366964703565747556372
β AuthenticationSASLFinal(ByteVector(46 bytes, 0x763d4c47587350586a656a4d4e654e4649434970654c3679585156556f59416b34496f4a5139586e6f48504a383d))
β SASLResponse(ByteVector(104 bytes, 0x633d626977732c723d3e5830487a6857327634656429535e796a4e2a644679764e51417557447535782b327a6370693272617a61324d6441392
β AuthenticationOk
β ParameterStatus(application_name,)
β ParameterStatus(client_encoding,UTF8)
β ParameterStatus(DateStyle,ISO, MDY)
π₯ EofException
π₯ Problem: EOF was reached on the network socket.
π₯ Detail: Attempt to read 5 byte(s) failed after 0 bytes(s) were read, because
π₯ the connection had closed.
π₯ Hint: Discard this session and retry with a new one.
skunk.exception.EofException: EOF was reached on the network socket.
β ParameterStatus(default_transaction_read_only,off)
β ParameterStatus(in_hot_standby,off)
β ParameterStatus(integer_datetimes,on)
β ParameterStatus(IntervalStyle,iso_8601)
β ParameterStatus(is_superuser,on)
β ParameterStatus(server_encoding,UTF8)
β ParameterStatus(server_version,14.2 (Debian 14.2-1.pgdg110+1))
β ParameterStatus(session_authorization,test)
β ParameterStatus(standard_conforming_strings,on)
β ParameterStatus(TimeZone,Etc/UTC)
β BackendKeyData(73,299016235)
β ReadyForQuery(Idle)
β ErrorResponse(F -> be-secure.c, M -> terminating connection due to unexpected postmaster exit, V -> FATAL, L -> 207, C -> 57P01, R -> secure_read, S ->
π₯ EofException
π₯ Problem: EOF was reached on the network socket.
π₯ Detail: Attempt to read 5 byte(s) failed after 0 bytes(s) were read, because
π₯ the connection had closed.
π₯ Hint: Discard this session and retry with a new one.
skunk.exception.EofException: EOF was reached on the network socket.
β Query(
SELECT oid typid, typname, typarray, typrelid
FROM pg_type
WHERE typnamespace IN (
FROM pg_namespace
WHERE nspname = ANY(current_schemas(true))
[info] - Unexpected failure 0ms
[info] *************FAILURES**************
[info] jobby.tests.frontend.UsersSpec
[error] - Unexpected failure 0ms
[error] Pool$ResourceLeak:
[error] π₯
[error] π₯ ResourceLeak
[error] π₯
[error] π₯ Problem: A resource leak was detected during pool finalization.
[error] π₯ Detail: Expected 10 active slot(s) and no deferrals, found 8 slots and 0
[error] π₯ deferral(s).
[error] π₯ Hint: The most common causes of resource leaks are (a) using a pool on a
[error] π₯ fiber that was neither joined or canceled prior to pool finalization,
[error] π₯ and (b) using `Resource.allocated` and failing to finalize allocated
[error] π₯ resources prior to pool finalization.
[error] π₯
[error] skunk.util.Pool$ResourceLeak: A resource leak was detected during pool finalization.
[error] Pool.scala:19 skunk.util.Pool$ResourceLeak$#apply
[error] Pool.scala:156 skunk.util.Pool$#free$1$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$2
[error] Applicative.scala:264 cats.Applicative#whenA
[error] Applicative.scala:39 cats.Applicative#whenA$
[error] RunnerCompat.scala:257 void @ weaver.framework.RunnerCompat$ConcurrentQueueEventBroker#send
[error] RunnerCompat.scala:181 productR @ weaver.framework.RunnerCompat#run$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$2$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$1
[error] RunnerCompat.scala:181 productR @ weaver.framework.RunnerCompat#run$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$2$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$1
[error] GlobalResourceF.scala:143 get @ weaver.GlobalResourceF$ResourceMap#rawGet
[error] Pool.scala:162 flatMap @ skunk.util.Pool$#free$1
[error] Pull.scala:1209 >>$extension @ fs2.Pull$#fs2$Pull$$$_$go$1
[error] PooledResource.scala:156 foreverM$extension @ org.tpolecat.poolparty.PooledResource$#org$tpolecat$poolparty$PooledResource$$$make
[error] RunnerCompat.scala:257 void @ weaver.framework.RunnerCompat$ConcurrentQueueEventBroker#send
[error] InterruptContext.scala:91 get @ fs2.internal.InterruptContext#eval$$anonfun$1
[error] Error: Total 3, Failed 0, Errors 1, Passed 2
[error] Error during tests:
[error] jobby.tests.frontend.UsersSpec
[error] (backend / Test / testOnly) sbt.TestsFailedException: Tests unsuccessful
[error] Total time: 9 s, completed 8 Oct 2022, 11:07:06
This proved to be an issue when Skunk is used with Weaver and ScalaCheck. Not sure who's at fault here but hopefully this issue will serve as a good starting point.
Starting sbt console and running
will produce this error on every single run, and querying forselect count(*) from pg_stat_activity
will give an accumulated result += poolSize after each failed test run. Quitting and restarting sbt gets rid of the dangling connections.