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giter8 templates #322

Open yilinwei opened 7 years ago

yilinwei commented 7 years ago


Would it be possible to have some giter8 templates for typelevel? I tend to create a lot of smaller projects and creating the build.sbt etc... each time is quite annoying.


kailuowang commented 7 years ago

would sbt-catalyst and sbt-rig more flexible for this purpose?

yilinwei commented 7 years ago

@kailuowang Correct me if I'm wrong, but both the projects look as though they're used for library authors.

I'd like something to get me started as a consumer of the libraries. Typically I wouldn't really care about crossVersions or javascript builds, but simply want the build.sbt with a few dependencies and maybe a variant with subprojects.

kailuowang commented 7 years ago

I have a g8 for that purpose, but it's also tailored to taste and need of my own. I guess we can create a typelevel g8 template with maybe dependencies of cats, kind-projector and some partial unification settings. It's a bit tricky to determine which typelevel dependencies are essential enough to be introduced to all users.

milessabin commented 7 years ago

I think each project should have it's own (I really ought to put something together for shapeless) and then maybe we ought to have a Typelevel showcase including a selection of the major projects.

rossabaker commented 2 years ago

We have several:

Showcasing them sounds like more of a website issue. Transferring there.