typelevel / weaver-test

A test framework that runs everything in parallel.
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Make change + release to SBT after plug-in groupId is renamed #22

Open mcanlas opened 3 months ago

mcanlas commented 3 months ago

SBT has a hard-coded allow list of test frameworks it supports, implicitly.

SBT can be manually configured in each to support additional test frameworks. Weaver used this method early in its lifetime before implicit support was mainlined (and released) for SBT.

If this artifact has any part of its group/artifact/entrant class name changed, a corresponding change and release should be made in SBT. That or users will have to go back to manual configuration until such release is made.

Baccata commented 3 months ago

SBT's actually not gonna have to change at all, the only thing it needs to be aware of is the fully qualified name of the class that implements the test framework interface, which is not gonna change.


So because only the maven coordinates will change, and not the FQN of this particular class, users will not be impacted when they upgrade.

However, worth leaving this issue open to PR SBT with the new coordinates in this particular test : https://github.com/sbt/sbt/blob/21a4aaa4d630a9c5616243b068276f85679c224f/sbt-app/src/sbt-test/tests/weaver-cats/build.sbt#L2