typemill / typemill

Typemill is a lightweight, flat-file CMS designed for simple, fast, and flexible website and eBook creation using Markdown.
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ID-10T = user error ? #25

Closed carstenwm closed 4 years ago

carstenwm commented 4 years ago

Do you have any idea as to why it looks like this ?

I've asked the webhost after checking Mod_rewrite, .htaccess and php Version is okay - they can't help:


It's no problem on the older versions of Typemill..

I'm shure it's not the Typemill :-) But then what ? New webhost ? ( gigahost.dk ) or is it as I fear a ID-10T error ?

/Carsten (I'll delete this later if there's no 'learning' from it..)

trendschau commented 4 years ago

Hi Carsten,

sorry for the late answer, can you explain the problem a bit more? I can see that the CSS is not loaded because the access of the folder is forbidden: http://typemill-nyeste.bork.one/themes/typemill/css/style.css but I cannot find the mentioned error "ID-10T = user error" anywhere.

trendschau commented 4 years ago

Hi Carsten,

I had to google ID-10T first :D

You said that you changed the hoster, correct? Can you make sure that you use the latest Version 1.2.15 of Typemill? Because in previous versions there was a bug that stored the absolute folder path in the settings, which means that the application looks to a wrong folder on the new server.

So please try two steps:

If you already use Version 1.2.15, then make sure that you added Typemill in the correct folder of your hoster (they usually have a dedicated public folder for applications). If that does not help either, then ask your hoster about the usual access rights for the folders so that the application can read the htaccess-file.

Your website responds with a 403 access denied to all theme-files (css/js/png):

You don't have permission to access /themes/typemill/css/fontello/css/fontello.css on this server. Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe

Your hoster should be able to tell you which permission rights you have to set.

Hope this helps!!

carstenwm commented 4 years ago

Sorry, too much work - thank you for your answers, very thorough ! - I'm on it, it's 1.2.15 and I'm in contact with the 'Hoster' (I'm thinking of moving on to a new Hoster from Gigahost.dk, have been there >10 years, it's good to make shifts once in a while and start over (for me at least)..

Sorry for leetspeak and self-irony ;-) /Carsten

carstenwm commented 4 years ago

I've been trying two host's, both okay on Mod_rewrite, .htaccess and php Version and Settings should be okay (chmod 774) - now I've uploaded the three versions of typemill I have with me, 1.2.15 - 1.2.10 and 1.1.7 (I think it is), I'll stick with 1.2.10

I still think it's an ID-10T error, there must be something that I don't quite get, sorry - but I'll go with 1.2.10 for the time being - especially since I'm not using the backend very much (I'm prefer uploading content via ftp since I can work with my stuff on some no nonse Markdown editor in a bigger 'window' instead of a 'formular size' one)

Works: http://1210.bork.one/ Doesn't work: http://1215.bork.one/ http://117.bork.one/


trendschau commented 4 years ago

Hi Carsten,

your server responds with 404 - not found now. So it is an improvement :D But it is super hard to find the reason from outside. If 1.1.7 and 1.2.15 do not work (and show the same error) while 1.2.10 works, then it is even more strange. Can you check your settings.yaml-files if there are some absolute path in it, something like "themeFolder: /x/y/z" ? I will try to investigate later...

Thank you Sebastian

trendschau commented 4 years ago

Or you could check the error.log-files of your hoster and post them here, maybe we can find something in there...

carstenwm commented 4 years ago

You can't see the pages? I'll check you response later - btw you can get the ftp access if you want, I don't mind, but you shouldn't use that much energy if it's not your product that fails in this, if there's nothing to learn, Sebastian

carstenwm commented 4 years ago

Damn, it was a user error - in the upload of the files of the 1.2.15 - no excuses and nothing to learn from it (except for me: total focus)

It works, I love the backend - the large field for the text (that's where I usually pull out and go for the ftp upload of text files instead) and the Markdown possibilities. Thank you!

Edit: maybe Handy/mobile phone possibilities to edit text files on the go is a bit difficult; I haven't found a way yet, I'm not getting past the Menu

(Btw I tried to transfer a little € via Paypall but it wasn't possible?)

trendschau commented 4 years ago

Hi Carsten, glad to hear that you could solve the problems! Yes, the mobile version is not optimal right now, when I have time I will try to improve in one of the next versions. Donation should be possible via paypall, and always highly welcome :)

Thank you, I will close this ticket for now.