typemill / typemill

Typemill is a lightweight, flat-file CMS designed for simple, fast, and flexible website and eBook creation using Markdown.
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pdf embed #321

Open HJB1972 opened 2 years ago

HJB1972 commented 2 years ago

Is there any way to embed a pdf in typemill?

MysterieDev commented 2 years ago

Hello @HJB1972. As i can judge that, for now, no, but shortcodes actually implemented a way of easily doing that.

If your technical knowledge is good enough, you can develop one yourself: https://typemill.net/plugin-developers/shortcodes

Otherwise im setting this on my todo-list.

MysterieDev commented 2 years ago

you can use the ebookproducts plugin as a call to action for a pdf document, though, that would be a compromised solution in the meantime

HJB1972 commented 2 years ago

Hi thanks for your response. I do not have the technical knowledge to develop a shortcode for this! If you manage to develop one, please let me know as it would be of great use to me. Thanks again.