typemytype / booleanOperations

Boolean operations on paths
MIT License
38 stars 18 forks source link

Is BooleanOperations derived from Clipper? #47

Closed mavit closed 6 years ago

mavit commented 6 years ago

We’re looking to package this library as a part of Fedora. Part of the packaging process includes checking that the licence allows us to redistribute the software.

Now, README.rst states:

Boolean operations on paths based on a super fast polygon clipper library by Angus Johnson

What exactly is meant by this? I ask because BooleanOperations is under the MIT licence, but Clipper is under the Boost Software License, which states:

The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and all derivative works of the Software

It seems that there could be a problem here, if BooleanOperations is a derivative of Clipper.

athos-ribeiro commented 6 years ago

quoting my reply on the Fedora bugzilla ticket:

BooleanOperations is not a derivative work of pyclipper. It is not a derivative of the clipper library as well and pyclipper itself is not a derivative work of the clipper library.

Derivative works would be modifications on top of the software in question.

anthrotype commented 6 years ago

@athos-ribeiro is correct. BooleanOperations uses pyclipper which in turns uses the C++ Clipper library. It does not modify it so it's not a derivative work. I'll change the wording of the README to clarify that, thanks.