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Official Website for Typeplate: “A Typographic Starter Kit.”
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Small Caps Font-Variant #1

Open grayghostvisuals opened 11 years ago

grayghostvisuals commented 11 years ago



ZAK via Skype "I think it would be neat, under the Small Caps section, to provide an alternate mixin as well, for fonts that don't support font-variant. One that does text-transform uppercase and lowers the font-size slightly?"

"Most fonts actually don't have small-caps glyphs. Most fonts will "fake" it, like fake bold or italics in the browser, which looks really bad. So better to manually set it than let the browser mangle small-caps out of a typeface. font-variant isn't going to work a lot of the time, as I understand it for fonts with OpenType support, your current mixin works fine. But for the majority of fonts out there, including the web-safe ones, the appropriate smallcaps styling would be simply "text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 80%" or somesuch."

grayghostvisuals commented 11 years ago

Here is the Description currently. Lets edit this a bit for our example.

Small caps help to make abbreviations way easier to read but won't stand out from the text. We highly suggest this bit of typographic flare with your content.

True small capitals are now possible on the web.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur HTML adipisicing elit. CSS Laboriosam voluptatem a beatae accusantium accusamus dolor provident error consectetur quibusdam suscipit neque temporibus. Velit omnis voluptatum quasi tempora reiciendis expedita reprehenderit.

Melindrea commented 11 years ago

Would it be of interest/possible to put in support in the mixin for supplying the font to be used as a small caps? I know that the first thing I will be doing once I have time to understand the project is to do that for myself, since small caps tends to be one of my favourites in giving variance in the fonts.

grayghostvisuals commented 11 years ago

Will do @Melindrea . Thanks for the feedback. :facepunch: :woman:

grayghostvisuals commented 11 years ago

@Melindrea I was just thinking wouldn't it make sense to let authors customize this for themselves? I mean

  1. If an author uses a custom font for body copy then there is no need to set the font family on the abbr and really depends if the font family does in fact support small-caps.
  2. If a user does in fact set the font family on the body copy then setting the same font family on abbreviations is doubling up.
Melindrea commented 11 years ago

Yes, that is true. I'll muse about it and see where my thoughts land, and see if I end up having a more productive (IE associated with a pull request =) response later. I think I partly need to wrap my mind around how typeplate is/isn't supposed to be used. Very nice work, I'm enjoying what I've used so far =)

grayghostvisuals commented 11 years ago

Let the muse take you away! We definitely encourage everyone to customize it for themselves as we don't dictate how to use it per say but merely suggest how to use it.

The one issue with using the bower version of Typeplate is that anytime you make changes to the bower file you're using -and update it using bower- the file contents are overwritten :(

Thanks for the kinds words and glad you like it so far. Cheers :beers: