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Typeplate breaks Bourbon / Neat #136

Closed andriynoble closed 10 years ago

andriynoble commented 10 years ago


I'm currently having an issue when doing using bourbon, neat and typeplate. It seems that typeplate is breaking @include outer-container's size.

grayghostvisuals commented 10 years ago

@andriynoble Can you please provide the code snippet and possibly explain a little more in detail? I'm a bit confused still unfortunately. Also we don't use Bourbon or Neat to develop with as we use Compass and Sass.

andriynoble commented 10 years ago


below image has and is 1216px width

@import 'bourbon';
@import 'neat';
@import 'typeplate';

.container {
    @include outer-container;
header {
    h1 {
        @include span-columns(6);
    nav {
        @include span-columns(6);
section {
    article {
        @include span-columns(8);
    aside {
        @include span-columns(4);

with typeplate

This image shows the same thing except no:

@import 'typeplate';

no typeplate

grayghostvisuals commented 10 years ago

@andriynoble Unfortunately, while this is a good start to help see the problem I need to see something live here. I have no idea what this line below is outputting including the rest of the import statements.

@include outer-container;
andriynoble commented 10 years ago


I created a repository of the code so you can see it live, but here is the css file with just

the repo is https://github.com/andriynoble/bourbon-typeplate

@import 'bourbon';
@import 'neat';

Here is the full CSS file.

* {
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  box-sizing: border-box; }

.container {
  *zoom: 1;
  max-width: 68em;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto; }
  .container:before, .container:after {
    content: " ";
    display: table; }
  .container:after {
    clear: both; }

header h1 {
  display: block;
  float: left;
  margin-right: 2.35765%;
  width: 48.82117%; }
  header h1:last-child {
    margin-right: 0; }
header nav {
  display: block;
  float: left;
  margin-right: 2.35765%;
  width: 48.82117%; }
  header nav:last-child {
    margin-right: 0; }

section article {
  display: block;
  float: left;
  margin-right: 2.35765%;
  width: 65.88078%; }
  section article:last-child {
    margin-right: 0; }
section aside {
  display: block;
  float: left;
  margin-right: 2.35765%;
  width: 31.76157%; }
  section aside:last-child {
    margin-right: 0; }
grayghostvisuals commented 10 years ago

@andriynoble Great! This helped a ton for me to see what's goin' on. This is not a case of Typeplate “Breaking Bourbon / Neat” Here's the scoop…

.container {
    max-width: 68em;

Since the em value is used for the container it is in relation to the parent container which is how ems decide what to output for a px equivalent. We use 18px as our base font-size set on the root (i.e. html tag ) so any em calculation will use 18px as the default font-size value.

  1. Download the updated Sass port for Typeplate here: https://raw.github.com/typeplate/typeplate.github.io/master/typeplate/scss/typeplate-scss.zip
  2. Once you've done that you can then do the following as written out in this codeshare link http://codeshare.io/cJwXu
  3. After all your imports are in place within your styles.scss change line 24 in the typeplate vars file: https://github.com/typeplate/typeplate.github.io/blob/master/typeplate/scss/_vars-typeplate.scss#L24-L25
// make this 100 instead of 112.5
$font-size: 112.5; // percentage value (16 * 112.5% = 18px)
$font-base: 16 * ($font-size/100); // converts our percentage to a pixel value