types / mysql2

Typings for https://github.com/sidorares/node-mysql2
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Promises not working? #11

Open fdcastel opened 7 years ago

fdcastel commented 7 years ago

This code (from promises sample)

import * as mysql from 'mysql2/promise';

let connection = mysql.createConnection(process.env['DB']);

    .then(() => connection.query<mysql.RowDataPacket[]>('SELECT 1 + 1 AS solution'))
    .then(([rows, fields]) => {
        console.log('The solution is: ', rows[0]['solution']);

Is causing he following error in runtime:

TypeError: connection.connect is not a function

Please, do notice the error occurs just in runtime. The TypeScript compiler doesn't shows any errors.

Using TypeScript version 2.3.2, Node.js version v6.10.3 and mysql2 version 1.2.0 (tried to downgrade to 1.1.1 but the problem remains).

felixfbecker commented 7 years ago

Hmm, don't know why. Seems like it's not related to promises, but the connect function was removed? I don't remember where I copied this example from, maybe the library changed. Feel free to do a PR to correct this.