Closed viktorklang closed 9 years ago
Thanks for the simplifications. Please also note the build failures. Tests are not passing now for the blocking process.
The BlockingProcessSpec looks fishy, would you mind explaining:
"allow a blocking process that is blocked to be destroyed" in {
val command = getClass.getResource("/").getFile
new File(command).setExecutable(true)
val probe = TestProbe()
// following line <---- The Receiver forwards the Exited message to probe.ref
val receiver = system.actorOf(Props(new Receiver(probe.ref, List.empty)), "receiver2")
val process = system.actorOf(BlockingProcess.props(receiver, List(command)), "process2") // Probe receives Terminated signal when process exits (no matter why)
probe.expectTerminated(process, 10.seconds) <------ Race condition here between DeathWatch (Terminated) and the Exited message from the Receiver
Is this race condition by design, and why?
@huntc So given my analysis, the reason that the test now fails is because the Exited signal is sent before BlockingProcess terminates, but with the "old" implementation it was the other way around.
So, assuming that the test case race condition is unintentional, I propose to fix the test to become deterministic.
@huntc Build seems to fail due to artifact resolution issues. As I haven't touched the deps I can only assume it's repo-related.
@viktorklang Are you ready for this to be merged?
@huntc yep!
@huntc Merge at your earliest convenience
Observed that this works fine with Ubuntu. I checked out this branch, published it locally and then used the local version from ConductR. I then ran ConductR via Docker (thus on Ubuntu) and was able to load/run a bundle, then send the SIGHUP
to ConductR. All was well - the ConductR process was stopped.
Thanks very much @viktorklang for the nice simplifications.
Thanks @huntc! Glad I could help
See #34,
@huntc Does this work on Linux, as required?