typesafehub / conductr-cli

CLI for Lightbend ConductR
16 stars 21 forks source link

Sandbox native executable: add semver library to hidden imports #525

Closed fsat closed 7 years ago

fsat commented 7 years ago

This is to fix building sandbox in Linux which breaks due to semver not included in the native package.

An interesting note - somehow this is not a problem in OSX.

fsat commented 7 years ago

Manual test is completed successfully.

The native executable build now works in Linux.

fsat@ubuntu:~/workspace/conductr-cli$ sh package-native-zip.sh 1.2.17

Building conductr-cli-1.2.17-Linux-amd64.zip

Creating single executable for 'conduct' command

33 INFO: PyInstaller: 3.2.1
33 INFO: Python: 3.5.2
34 INFO: Platform: Linux-4.4.0-31-generic-x86_64-with-debian-jessie-sid
36 INFO: UPX is not available.
37 INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths
['/home/fsat/workspace/conductr-cli', '/home/fsat/workspace/conductr-cli']
38 INFO: checking Analysis
54 INFO: checking PYZ
62 INFO: checking PKG
66 INFO: Bootloader /home/fsat/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PyInstaller/bootloader/Linux-64bit/run
67 INFO: checking EXE
72 INFO: Rebuilding out00-EXE.toc because conduct missing
73 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc
73 INFO: Appending archive to ELF section in EXE /home/fsat/workspace/conductr-cli/dist/conduct
91 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc completed successfully.
Creating single executable for 'sandbox' command

32 INFO: PyInstaller: 3.2.1
33 INFO: Python: 3.5.2
34 INFO: Platform: Linux-4.4.0-31-generic-x86_64-with-debian-jessie-sid
35 INFO: UPX is not available.
37 INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths
['/home/fsat/workspace/conductr-cli', '/home/fsat/workspace/conductr-cli']
38 INFO: checking Analysis
55 INFO: checking PYZ
63 INFO: checking PKG
68 INFO: Bootloader /home/fsat/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PyInstaller/bootloader/Linux-64bit/run
68 INFO: checking EXE
72 INFO: Rebuilding out00-EXE.toc because sandbox missing
73 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc
74 INFO: Appending archive to ELF section in EXE /home/fsat/workspace/conductr-cli/dist/sandbox
104 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc completed successfully.
Creating single executable for 'shazar' command

35 INFO: PyInstaller: 3.2.1
36 INFO: Python: 3.5.2
37 INFO: Platform: Linux-4.4.0-31-generic-x86_64-with-debian-jessie-sid
38 INFO: UPX is not available.
40 INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths
['/home/fsat/workspace/conductr-cli', '/home/fsat/workspace/conductr-cli']
40 INFO: checking Analysis
44 INFO: checking PYZ
46 INFO: checking PKG
46 INFO: Bootloader /home/fsat/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PyInstaller/bootloader/Linux-64bit/run
47 INFO: checking EXE
48 INFO: Rebuilding out00-EXE.toc because shazar missing
48 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc
48 INFO: Appending archive to ELF section in EXE /home/fsat/workspace/conductr-cli/dist/shazar
70 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc completed successfully.
Creating single executable for 'bndl' command

33 INFO: PyInstaller: 3.2.1
34 INFO: Python: 3.5.2
35 INFO: Platform: Linux-4.4.0-31-generic-x86_64-with-debian-jessie-sid
36 INFO: UPX is not available.
38 INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths
['/home/fsat/workspace/conductr-cli', '/home/fsat/workspace/conductr-cli']
38 INFO: checking Analysis
44 INFO: checking PYZ
47 INFO: checking PKG
49 INFO: Bootloader /home/fsat/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PyInstaller/bootloader/Linux-64bit/run
49 INFO: checking EXE
50 INFO: Rebuilding out00-EXE.toc because bndl missing
50 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc
51 INFO: Appending archive to ELF section in EXE /home/fsat/workspace/conductr-cli/dist/bndl
75 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc completed successfully.
Validating version for 'conduct' command

Validating version for 'sandbox' command

Checking 'sandbox' and 'conduct' command is working as expected

| Starting ConductR                              |
Bintray credentials loaded from /home/fsat/.lightbend/commercial.credentials
Extracting ConductR core to /home/fsat/.conductr/images/core
Extracting ConductR agent to /home/fsat/.conductr/images/agent
Starting ConductR core instance on
Waiting for ConductR to start...
Starting ConductR agent instance on
| Starting continuous delivery feature           |
Deploying bundle continuous-delivery..
Retrieving bundle..
Resolving bundle using [bintray_resolver, docker_resolver]
Loading bundle from cache typesafe/bundle/continuous-delivery
Bintray credentials loaded from /home/fsat/.lightbend/commercial.credentials
Retrieving from cache /home/fsat/.conductr/cache/bundle/continuous-delivery-2.1.0-870ee7d6a4f5853229275cca14b604b8aca62a5e74819c0a092858cc75b6c186.zip
Loading bundle to ConductR..
[##################################################] 100%
Bundle 870ee7d6a4f5853229275cca14b604b8 is installed
Bundle loaded.
Bundle run request sent.
Bundle 870ee7d6a4f5853229275cca14b604b8 waiting to reach expected scale 1
Bundle 870ee7d6a4f5853229275cca14b604b8 has scale 0, expected 1....
Bundle 870ee7d6a4f5853229275cca14b604b8 expected scale 1 is met
| Starting logging feature based on eslite       |
Deploying bundle eslite..
Retrieving bundle..
Resolving bundle using [bintray_resolver, docker_resolver]
Loading bundle from cache typesafe/bundle/eslite
Bintray credentials loaded from /home/fsat/.lightbend/commercial.credentials
Retrieving from cache /home/fsat/.conductr/cache/bundle/eslite-2.1.0-57e432d0c647be2bbc83fa8e59ee469bb59d1f72df31f3d82cab0ad396130fe7.zip
Loading bundle to ConductR..
[##################################################] 100%
Bundle 57e432d0c647be2bbc83fa8e59ee469b is installed
Bundle loaded.
Bundle run request sent.
Bundle 57e432d0c647be2bbc83fa8e59ee469b waiting to reach expected scale 1
Bundle 57e432d0c647be2bbc83fa8e59ee469b has scale 0, expected 1.
Bundle 57e432d0c647be2bbc83fa8e59ee469b expected scale 1 is met
| Starting visualization feature                 |
Deploying bundle visualizer..
Retrieving bundle..
Resolving bundle using [bintray_resolver, docker_resolver]
Loading bundle from cache typesafe/bundle/visualizer
Bintray credentials loaded from /home/fsat/.lightbend/commercial.credentials
Retrieving from cache /home/fsat/.conductr/cache/bundle/visualizer-2.1.0-cabaae7cf37b1cf99b3861515cd5e77a16fa9638e225fa234929cc1d46dde937.zip
Loading bundle to ConductR..
[##################################################] 100%
Bundle cabaae7cf37b1cf99b3861515cd5e77a is installed
Bundle loaded.
Bundle run request sent.
Bundle cabaae7cf37b1cf99b3861515cd5e77a waiting to reach expected scale 1
Bundle cabaae7cf37b1cf99b3861515cd5e77a has scale 0, expected 1.
Bundle cabaae7cf37b1cf99b3861515cd5e77a expected scale 1 is met
| Summary                                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| ConductR                                       |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
ConductR has been started:
  core instance on
  agent instance on
ConductR service locator has been started on:
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| Proxy                                          |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
HAProxy has not been started
To enable proxying ensure Docker is running and restart the sandbox
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| Features                                       |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
The following feature related bundles have been started:
  visualizer on
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| Bundles                                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
Check latest bundle status with:
  conduct info
Current bundle status:
ID       NAME                 VER  #REP  #STR  #RUN  ROLES
870ee7d  continuous-delivery   v3     1     0     1  continuous-delivery
57e432d  eslite                v1     1     0     1  elasticsearch
cabaae7  visualizer            v2     1     0     1  web

Warning: A newer ConductR version is available. Please upgrade the sandbox to 2.0.8 by running
Warning:   sandbox run 2.0.8
Checking Visualizer
Located at
ID       NAME                 VER  #REP  #STR  #RUN  ROLES
870ee7d  continuous-delivery   v3     1     0     1  continuous-delivery
57e432d  eslite                v1     1     0     1  elasticsearch
cabaae7  visualizer            v2     1     0     1  web
| Stopping ConductR                              |
ConductR core pid 4716 stopped
ConductR agent pid 4790 stopped
ConductR has been successfully stopped
Checking 'shazar' command is working as expected

usage: shazar [-h] [-o [OUTPUT]] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--tar] [source]

Package a bundle directory or bundle configuration file

positional arguments:
  source                Optional path to a bundle directory or bundle
                        configuration file or tar file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o [OUTPUT], --output [OUTPUT]
                        The target output file
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        When provided with a directory name to package, the
                        directory to write the bundle to, defaults to '.'
  --tar                 If provided, source is decoded as a tar file
Checking 'bndl' command is working as expected

usage: bndl [-h] [-f {bundle,configuration,docker,oci-image}] [--no-shazar]
            [-o [OUTPUT]] [--annotation ANNOTATIONS] [--component COMPONENT]
            [--compatibility-version [COMPATIBILITY_VERSION]]
            [--description DESCRIPTION] [--disk-space [DISK_SPACE]] [--env]
            [--image-tag IMAGE_TAG] [--image-name IMAGE_NAME]
            [--memory [MEMORY]] [--name [NAME]] [--no-default-check]
            [--no-default-endpoints] [--no-default-volumes]
            [--nr-of-cpus [NR_OF_CPUS]] [--role ROLES]
            [--start-command START_COMMAND] [--system [SYSTEM]]
            [--system-version [SYSTEM_VERSION]] [--tag TAGS]
            [--validation-exclude {property-names,required}]
            [--version [VERSION]] [--volume NAME=MOUNT-POINT]
            [--with-defaults {akka,generic,lagom,play}]
            [--check CHECK_ADDRESSES [CHECK_ADDRESSES ...]]
            [--connection-timeout CHECK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT]
            [--initial-delay CHECK_INITIAL_DELAY] [--endpoint ENDPOINT]
            [--bind-protocol BIND_PROTOCOL] [--bind-port BIND_PORT]
            [--service-name SERVICE_NAME] [--acl ACL] [--path] [--path-beg]
            [--path-regex] [--rewrite REWRITE]

Create or modify a bundle

positional arguments:
  source                Optional path to a directory or tar file
                        When absent, stdin is used

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f {bundle,configuration,docker,oci-image}, --format {bundle,configuration,docker,oci-image}
                        The input format
                        When absent, auto-detection is attempted
                        The format configuration needs to be specified because it cannot be auto-detected.
  --no-shazar           If enabled, a bundle will not be run through shazar
  -o [OUTPUT], --output [OUTPUT]
                        The target output file
                        When absent, stdout is used
  --annotation ANNOTATIONS
                        Annotations to add to bundle.conf
                        Example: bndl --annotation my.first=value1 --annotation my.second=value2
                        Defaults to []
  --component COMPONENT
                        Specify the component that should be modified
                        Required when the bundle has more than one component
                        Used in conjunction with the following: --description, --endpoint, --start-command, --volume
  --compatibility-version [COMPATIBILITY_VERSION]
                        Sets the "compatibilityVersion" bundle.conf value
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Sets "description" for a component
                        If the bundle has more than one component, you must specify --component
                        Example: bndl --description "My service" --component service
  --disk-space [DISK_SPACE]
                        Sets the "diskSpace" bundle.conf value
  --env                 Additional environment variables for the bundle's runtime-config.sh
                        Defaults to []
  --image-tag IMAGE_TAG
                        The name of the tag to create a ConductR bundle from
                        For use with docker and oci-image formats
                        When absent, the first tag present is used
  --image-name IMAGE_NAME
                        The name of the image to create a ConductR bundle from
                        For use with docker and oci-image formats
                        When absent, the first image present is used
  --memory [MEMORY]     Sets the "memory" bundle.conf value
  --name [NAME]         Sets the "name" bundle.conf value
  --no-default-check    If provided, a bundle will not contain a default check command
                        For use with docker and oci-image formats
                        If provided, a bundle will not contain endpoints for ExposedPorts
                        For use with docker and oci-image formats
  --no-default-volumes  If provided, a bundle will not contain any volume declarations
                        For use with docker and oci-image formats
  --nr-of-cpus [NR_OF_CPUS]
                        Sets the "nrOfCpus" bundle.conf value
  --role ROLES          Roles to add to the bundle.confExample: bndl --role backend --role web
                        Defaults to []
  --start-command START_COMMAND
                        Sets "start-command" for a component
                        Must be specified in HOCON format
                        If the bundle has more than one component, you must specify --component
                        Example: bndl --start-command '["/my/app", "my arg"]' --component service
  --system [SYSTEM]     Sets the "system" bundle.conf value
  --system-version [SYSTEM_VERSION]
                        Sets the "systemVersion" bundle.conf value
  --tag TAGS            Tags to add to bundle.conf
                        Example: bndl --tag 16.04 --tag xenial
                        Defaults to []
  --validation-exclude {property-names,required}
                        If provided, skips a given validation rule
                        The following validation rules can be skipped:
                          empty-property: Checks that the bundle.conf properties are not empty
                          property-name: Checks that the bundle.conf only contains property names that are known by ConductR
                          required: Checks that the bundle.conf contains all required properties
                        By default, no validation rule is excluded
  --version [VERSION]   Sets the "version" bundle.conf value
                        Declare a volume path for a component given its name and mount point separated by an equals sign
                        For use with oci-image, oci-bundle and docker components
                        If the bundle has more than one component, you must specify--component
                        If provided, existing volumes are removed
                        Example: bndl --volume my-vol=/data --component web
  --with-defaults {akka,generic,lagom,play}
                        Sets default properties in the bundle.conf for a given application type.
                        Example: bndl --with-defaults lagom
                        Declaring a bndl argument, that specifies a bundle.conf property such as --memory, is overriding the default property
                        If absent, and the bndl format is "docker" or "oci-image", --with-defaults is set to "generic"If absent, and the bndl format is something different, --with-defaults is NoneIf set to None, no default properties are added

                        Check command that is added to the bundle
                        Specify one or multiple addresses that are used to check for bundle connectivity
                        As an address, environment variables can be specified that are available during Bundle startup, e.g. $MY_BUNDLE_HOST
                        If specified, the existing check command is removed
                        Example: bndl --check \$WEB_BUNDLE_HOST \$BACKEND_BUNDLE_HOST
                        Accepted address formats:
                        Accepted params:
                          retry-count=<int> - Number of retries
                          retry-delay=<int> - Delay in seconds between retries
                          docker-timeout=<int> - Timeout in seconds for docker container start
  --connection-timeout CHECK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT
                        Connection timeout in seconds
                        Used in conjunction with the --check option
  --initial-delay CHECK_INITIAL_DELAY
                        Initial delay in seconds
                        Used in conjunction with the --check option

  Add endpoints to the bundle. If the bundle has more than one component, you must specify --component

  --endpoint ENDPOINT   Endpoints that are added to the bundle
                        If specified, existing endpoints are removed
                        Example: bndl --endpoint web --component web --bind-protocol http --service-name web --acl http:/subpath
  --bind-protocol BIND_PROTOCOL
                        Bind protocol of an endpoint
                        Used in conjunction with the --endpoint option
                        When absent, tcp is used
  --bind-port BIND_PORT
                        Bind port of an endpoint
                        Used in conjunction with the --endpoint option
                        When absent, 0 is used, meaning a bind port is selected by ConductR
  --service-name SERVICE_NAME
                        Service name of an endpoint
                        Used in conjunction with the --endpoint option
                        When absent, the endpoint is not locatable via the service name
  --acl ACL             Request ACL of an endpoint
                        Used in conjunction with the --endpoint option
                        When absent, the endpoint will not be accessible via the Proxy
  --path                If provided, a path must equal the provided string for the ACL to match
                        Used in conjunction with the --acl option
  --path-beg            If provided, a path must begin with the provided string for the ACL to match
                        Used in conjunction with the --acl option
  --path-regex          If provided, a path must match the provided regular expression string for the ACL to match
                        Used in conjunction with the --acl option
  --rewrite REWRITE     If provided, specifies a rewrite value for the ACL
                        Used in conjunction with the --acl option
Building zip archive for conductr-cli-1.2.17-Linux-amd64.zip

  adding: conduct (deflated 1%)
  adding: sandbox (deflated 1%)
  adding: shazar (deflated 1%)
  adding: bndl (deflated 1%)
Created archive in dist/conductr-cli-1.2.17-Linux-amd64.zip

Also works in OSX.

Felixs-MBP-2:conductr-cli felixsatyaputra$ sh package-native-zip.sh 1.2.17

Building conductr-cli-1.2.17-Mac_OS_X-x86_64.zip

Creating single executable for 'conduct' command

74 INFO: PyInstaller: 3.2.1
74 INFO: Python: 3.5.2
81 INFO: Platform: Darwin-15.3.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
83 INFO: UPX is not available.
85 INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths
85 INFO: checking Analysis
112 INFO: checking PYZ
123 INFO: checking PKG
129 INFO: Bootloader /Users/felixsatyaputra/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PyInstaller/bootloader/Darwin-64bit/run
130 INFO: checking EXE
134 INFO: Rebuilding out00-EXE.toc because conduct missing
134 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc
134 INFO: Appending archive to EXE /Users/felixsatyaputra/workspace/typesafe-fsat/conductr-cli/dist/conduct
165 INFO: Fixing EXE for code signing /Users/felixsatyaputra/workspace/typesafe-fsat/conductr-cli/dist/conduct
180 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc completed successfully.
Creating single executable for 'sandbox' command

47 INFO: PyInstaller: 3.2.1
47 INFO: Python: 3.5.2
50 INFO: Platform: Darwin-15.3.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
52 INFO: UPX is not available.
54 INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths
54 INFO: checking Analysis
69 INFO: Building because hiddenimports changed
69 INFO: Initializing module dependency graph...
70 INFO: Initializing module graph hooks...
72 INFO: Analyzing base_library.zip ...
2381 INFO: Analyzing hidden import 'configparser'
2407 INFO: Analyzing hidden import 'psutil'
2616 INFO: Analyzing hidden import 'semver'
2622 INFO: running Analysis out00-Analysis.toc
2627 INFO: Caching module hooks...
2630 INFO: Analyzing conductr_cli/sandbox.py
4041 INFO: Processing pre-safe import module hook   six.moves
4538 INFO: Processing pre-find module path hook   distutils
7155 INFO: Loading module hooks...
7155 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-pydoc.py"...
7155 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-jsonschema.py"...
7157 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-distutils.py"...
7158 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-requests.py"...
7160 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-botocore.py"...
7205 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-certifi.py"...
7206 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-encodings.py"...
7281 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-xml.py"...
7329 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-boto3.py"...
7764 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-pkg_resources.py"...
8134 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-xml.etree.cElementTree.py"...
8134 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-lib2to3.py"...
8136 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-sysconfig.py"...
8180 INFO: Looking for ctypes DLLs
8198 WARNING: library user32 required via ctypes not found
8199 INFO: Analyzing run-time hooks ...
8207 INFO: Including run-time hook 'pyi_rth_pkgres.py'
8224 INFO: Looking for dynamic libraries
8352 INFO: Looking for eggs
8353 INFO: Using Python library /Users/felixsatyaputra/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/Python
8360 INFO: Warnings written to /Users/felixsatyaputra/workspace/typesafe-fsat/conductr-cli/build/sandbox/warnsandbox.txt
8408 INFO: checking PYZ
8416 INFO: Building because toc changed
8417 INFO: Building PYZ (ZlibArchive) /Users/felixsatyaputra/workspace/typesafe-fsat/conductr-cli/build/sandbox/out00-PYZ.pyz
9476 INFO: Building PYZ (ZlibArchive) /Users/felixsatyaputra/workspace/typesafe-fsat/conductr-cli/build/sandbox/out00-PYZ.pyz completed successfully.
9504 INFO: checking PKG
9509 INFO: Building because toc changed
9509 INFO: Building PKG (CArchive) out00-PKG.pkg
12828 INFO: Building PKG (CArchive) out00-PKG.pkg completed successfully.
12844 INFO: Bootloader /Users/felixsatyaputra/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PyInstaller/bootloader/Darwin-64bit/run
12845 INFO: checking EXE
12854 INFO: Rebuilding out00-EXE.toc because sandbox missing
12855 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc
12855 INFO: Appending archive to EXE /Users/felixsatyaputra/workspace/typesafe-fsat/conductr-cli/dist/sandbox
12868 INFO: Fixing EXE for code signing /Users/felixsatyaputra/workspace/typesafe-fsat/conductr-cli/dist/sandbox
12874 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc completed successfully.
Creating single executable for 'shazar' command

61 INFO: PyInstaller: 3.2.1
61 INFO: Python: 3.5.2
65 INFO: Platform: Darwin-15.3.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
68 INFO: UPX is not available.
69 INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths
69 INFO: checking Analysis
75 INFO: checking PYZ
77 INFO: checking PKG
78 INFO: Bootloader /Users/felixsatyaputra/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PyInstaller/bootloader/Darwin-64bit/run
78 INFO: checking EXE
79 INFO: Rebuilding out00-EXE.toc because shazar missing
79 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc
79 INFO: Appending archive to EXE /Users/felixsatyaputra/workspace/typesafe-fsat/conductr-cli/dist/shazar
88 INFO: Fixing EXE for code signing /Users/felixsatyaputra/workspace/typesafe-fsat/conductr-cli/dist/shazar
97 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc completed successfully.
Creating single executable for 'bndl' command

42 INFO: PyInstaller: 3.2.1
42 INFO: Python: 3.5.2
46 INFO: Platform: Darwin-15.3.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
48 INFO: UPX is not available.
52 INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths
52 INFO: checking Analysis
60 INFO: checking PYZ
65 INFO: checking PKG
66 INFO: Bootloader /Users/felixsatyaputra/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PyInstaller/bootloader/Darwin-64bit/run
66 INFO: checking EXE
67 INFO: Rebuilding out00-EXE.toc because bndl missing
67 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc
67 INFO: Appending archive to EXE /Users/felixsatyaputra/workspace/typesafe-fsat/conductr-cli/dist/bndl
78 INFO: Fixing EXE for code signing /Users/felixsatyaputra/workspace/typesafe-fsat/conductr-cli/dist/bndl
82 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc completed successfully.
Validating version for 'conduct' command

Validating version for 'sandbox' command

Checking 'sandbox' and 'conduct' command is working as expected

| Stopping ConductR                              |
ConductR core pid 98097 stopped
ConductR agent pid 98198 stopped
ConductR has been successfully stopped
| Starting ConductR                              |
Bintray credentials loaded from /Users/felixsatyaputra/.lightbend/commercial.credentials
Extracting ConductR core to /Users/felixsatyaputra/.conductr/images/core
Extracting ConductR agent to /Users/felixsatyaputra/.conductr/images/agent
Starting ConductR core instance on
Waiting for ConductR to start..
Starting ConductR agent instance on
| Starting continuous delivery feature           |
Deploying bundle continuous-delivery..
Retrieving bundle..
Resolving bundle using [bintray_resolver, docker_resolver]
Loading bundle from cache typesafe/bundle/continuous-delivery
Bintray credentials loaded from /Users/felixsatyaputra/.lightbend/commercial.credentials
Retrieving from cache /Users/felixsatyaputra/.conductr/cache/bundle/continuous-delivery-2.1.0-870ee7d6a4f5853229275cca14b604b8aca62a5e74819c0a092858cc75b6c186.zip
Loading bundle to ConductR..
[##################################################] 100%
Bundle 870ee7d6a4f5853229275cca14b604b8 is installed
Bundle loaded.
Bundle run request sent.
Bundle 870ee7d6a4f5853229275cca14b604b8 waiting to reach expected scale 1
Bundle 870ee7d6a4f5853229275cca14b604b8 has scale 0, expected 1...
Bundle 870ee7d6a4f5853229275cca14b604b8 expected scale 1 is met
| Starting logging feature based on eslite       |
Deploying bundle eslite..
Retrieving bundle..
Resolving bundle using [bintray_resolver, docker_resolver]
Loading bundle from cache typesafe/bundle/eslite
Bintray credentials loaded from /Users/felixsatyaputra/.lightbend/commercial.credentials
Retrieving from cache /Users/felixsatyaputra/.conductr/cache/bundle/eslite-2.1.0-57e432d0c647be2bbc83fa8e59ee469bb59d1f72df31f3d82cab0ad396130fe7.zip
Loading bundle to ConductR..
[##################################################] 100%
Bundle 57e432d0c647be2bbc83fa8e59ee469b is installed
Bundle loaded.
Bundle run request sent.
Bundle 57e432d0c647be2bbc83fa8e59ee469b waiting to reach expected scale 1
Bundle 57e432d0c647be2bbc83fa8e59ee469b has scale 0, expected 1.
Bundle 57e432d0c647be2bbc83fa8e59ee469b expected scale 1 is met
| Starting visualization feature                 |
Deploying bundle visualizer..
Retrieving bundle..
Resolving bundle using [bintray_resolver, docker_resolver]
Loading bundle from cache typesafe/bundle/visualizer
Bintray credentials loaded from /Users/felixsatyaputra/.lightbend/commercial.credentials
Retrieving from cache /Users/felixsatyaputra/.conductr/cache/bundle/visualizer-2.1.0-cabaae7cf37b1cf99b3861515cd5e77a16fa9638e225fa234929cc1d46dde937.zip
Loading bundle to ConductR..
[##################################################] 100%
Bundle cabaae7cf37b1cf99b3861515cd5e77a is installed
Bundle loaded.
Bundle run request sent.
Bundle cabaae7cf37b1cf99b3861515cd5e77a waiting to reach expected scale 1
Bundle cabaae7cf37b1cf99b3861515cd5e77a has scale 0, expected 1.
Bundle cabaae7cf37b1cf99b3861515cd5e77a expected scale 1 is met
| Summary                                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| ConductR                                       |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
ConductR has been started:
  core instance on
  agent instance on
ConductR service locator has been started on:
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| Proxy                                          |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
HAProxy has not been started
To enable proxying ensure Docker is running and restart the sandbox
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| Features                                       |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
The following feature related bundles have been started:
  visualizer on
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| Bundles                                        |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
Check latest bundle status with:
  conduct info
Current bundle status:
ID       NAME                 VER  #REP  #STR  #RUN  ROLES
870ee7d  continuous-delivery   v3     1     0     1  continuous-delivery
57e432d  eslite                v1     1     0     1  elasticsearch
cabaae7  visualizer            v2     1     0     1  web
Checking Visualizer
Located at
ID       NAME                 VER  #REP  #STR  #RUN  ROLES
870ee7d  continuous-delivery   v3     1     0     1  continuous-delivery
57e432d  eslite                v1     1     0     1  elasticsearch
cabaae7  visualizer            v2     1     0     1  web
| Stopping ConductR                              |
ConductR core pid 99560 stopped
ConductR agent pid 99661 stopped
ConductR has been successfully stopped
Checking 'shazar' command is working as expected

usage: shazar [-h] [-o [OUTPUT]] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--tar] [source]

Package a bundle directory or bundle configuration file

positional arguments:
  source                Optional path to a bundle directory or bundle
                        configuration file or tar file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o [OUTPUT], --output [OUTPUT]
                        The target output file
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        When provided with a directory name to package, the
                        directory to write the bundle to, defaults to '.'
  --tar                 If provided, source is decoded as a tar file
Checking 'bndl' command is working as expected

usage: bndl [-h] [-f {bundle,configuration,docker,oci-image}] [--no-shazar]
            [-o [OUTPUT]] [--annotation ANNOTATIONS] [--component COMPONENT]
            [--compatibility-version [COMPATIBILITY_VERSION]]
            [--description DESCRIPTION] [--disk-space [DISK_SPACE]] [--env]
            [--image-tag IMAGE_TAG] [--image-name IMAGE_NAME]
            [--memory [MEMORY]] [--name [NAME]] [--no-default-check]
            [--no-default-endpoints] [--no-default-volumes]
            [--nr-of-cpus [NR_OF_CPUS]] [--role ROLES]
            [--start-command START_COMMAND] [--system [SYSTEM]]
            [--system-version [SYSTEM_VERSION]] [--tag TAGS]
            [--validation-exclude {property-names,required}]
            [--version [VERSION]] [--volume NAME=MOUNT-POINT]
            [--with-defaults {akka,generic,lagom,play}]
            [--check CHECK_ADDRESSES [CHECK_ADDRESSES ...]]
            [--connection-timeout CHECK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT]
            [--initial-delay CHECK_INITIAL_DELAY] [--endpoint ENDPOINT]
            [--bind-protocol BIND_PROTOCOL] [--bind-port BIND_PORT]
            [--service-name SERVICE_NAME] [--acl ACL] [--path] [--path-beg]
            [--path-regex] [--rewrite REWRITE]

Create or modify a bundle

positional arguments:
  source                Optional path to a directory or tar file
                        When absent, stdin is used

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f {bundle,configuration,docker,oci-image}, --format {bundle,configuration,docker,oci-image}
                        The input format
                        When absent, auto-detection is attempted
                        The format configuration needs to be specified because it cannot be auto-detected.
  --no-shazar           If enabled, a bundle will not be run through shazar
  -o [OUTPUT], --output [OUTPUT]
                        The target output file
                        When absent, stdout is used
  --annotation ANNOTATIONS
                        Annotations to add to bundle.conf
                        Example: bndl --annotation my.first=value1 --annotation my.second=value2
                        Defaults to []
  --component COMPONENT
                        Specify the component that should be modified
                        Required when the bundle has more than one component
                        Used in conjunction with the following: --description, --endpoint, --start-command, --volume
  --compatibility-version [COMPATIBILITY_VERSION]
                        Sets the "compatibilityVersion" bundle.conf value
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Sets "description" for a component
                        If the bundle has more than one component, you must specify --component
                        Example: bndl --description "My service" --component service
  --disk-space [DISK_SPACE]
                        Sets the "diskSpace" bundle.conf value
  --env                 Additional environment variables for the bundle's runtime-config.sh
                        Defaults to []
  --image-tag IMAGE_TAG
                        The name of the tag to create a ConductR bundle from
                        For use with docker and oci-image formats
                        When absent, the first tag present is used
  --image-name IMAGE_NAME
                        The name of the image to create a ConductR bundle from
                        For use with docker and oci-image formats
                        When absent, the first image present is used
  --memory [MEMORY]     Sets the "memory" bundle.conf value
  --name [NAME]         Sets the "name" bundle.conf value
  --no-default-check    If provided, a bundle will not contain a default check command
                        For use with docker and oci-image formats
                        If provided, a bundle will not contain endpoints for ExposedPorts
                        For use with docker and oci-image formats
  --no-default-volumes  If provided, a bundle will not contain any volume declarations
                        For use with docker and oci-image formats
  --nr-of-cpus [NR_OF_CPUS]
                        Sets the "nrOfCpus" bundle.conf value
  --role ROLES          Roles to add to the bundle.confExample: bndl --role backend --role web
                        Defaults to []
  --start-command START_COMMAND
                        Sets "start-command" for a component
                        Must be specified in HOCON format
                        If the bundle has more than one component, you must specify --component
                        Example: bndl --start-command '["/my/app", "my arg"]' --component service
  --system [SYSTEM]     Sets the "system" bundle.conf value
  --system-version [SYSTEM_VERSION]
                        Sets the "systemVersion" bundle.conf value
  --tag TAGS            Tags to add to bundle.conf
                        Example: bndl --tag 16.04 --tag xenial
                        Defaults to []
  --validation-exclude {property-names,required}
                        If provided, skips a given validation rule
                        The following validation rules can be skipped:
                          empty-property: Checks that the bundle.conf properties are not empty
                          property-name: Checks that the bundle.conf only contains property names that are known by ConductR
                          required: Checks that the bundle.conf contains all required properties
                        By default, no validation rule is excluded
  --version [VERSION]   Sets the "version" bundle.conf value
                        Declare a volume path for a component given its name and mount point separated by an equals sign
                        For use with oci-image, oci-bundle and docker components
                        If the bundle has more than one component, you must specify--component
                        If provided, existing volumes are removed
                        Example: bndl --volume my-vol=/data --component web
  --with-defaults {akka,generic,lagom,play}
                        Sets default properties in the bundle.conf for a given application type.
                        Example: bndl --with-defaults lagom
                        Declaring a bndl argument, that specifies a bundle.conf property such as --memory, is overriding the default property
                        If absent, and the bndl format is "docker" or "oci-image", --with-defaults is set to "generic"If absent, and the bndl format is something different, --with-defaults is NoneIf set to None, no default properties are added

                        Check command that is added to the bundle
                        Specify one or multiple addresses that are used to check for bundle connectivity
                        As an address, environment variables can be specified that are available during Bundle startup, e.g. $MY_BUNDLE_HOST
                        If specified, the existing check command is removed
                        Example: bndl --check \$WEB_BUNDLE_HOST \$BACKEND_BUNDLE_HOST
                        Accepted address formats:
                        Accepted params:
                          retry-count=<int> - Number of retries
                          retry-delay=<int> - Delay in seconds between retries
                          docker-timeout=<int> - Timeout in seconds for docker container start
  --connection-timeout CHECK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT
                        Connection timeout in seconds
                        Used in conjunction with the --check option
  --initial-delay CHECK_INITIAL_DELAY
                        Initial delay in seconds
                        Used in conjunction with the --check option

  Add endpoints to the bundle. If the bundle has more than one component, you must specify --component

  --endpoint ENDPOINT   Endpoints that are added to the bundle
                        If specified, existing endpoints are removed
                        Example: bndl --endpoint web --component web --bind-protocol http --service-name web --acl http:/subpath
  --bind-protocol BIND_PROTOCOL
                        Bind protocol of an endpoint
                        Used in conjunction with the --endpoint option
                        When absent, tcp is used
  --bind-port BIND_PORT
                        Bind port of an endpoint
                        Used in conjunction with the --endpoint option
                        When absent, 0 is used, meaning a bind port is selected by ConductR
  --service-name SERVICE_NAME
                        Service name of an endpoint
                        Used in conjunction with the --endpoint option
                        When absent, the endpoint is not locatable via the service name
  --acl ACL             Request ACL of an endpoint
                        Used in conjunction with the --endpoint option
                        When absent, the endpoint will not be accessible via the Proxy
  --path                If provided, a path must equal the provided string for the ACL to match
                        Used in conjunction with the --acl option
  --path-beg            If provided, a path must begin with the provided string for the ACL to match
                        Used in conjunction with the --acl option
  --path-regex          If provided, a path must match the provided regular expression string for the ACL to match
                        Used in conjunction with the --acl option
  --rewrite REWRITE     If provided, specifies a rewrite value for the ACL
                        Used in conjunction with the --acl option
Building zip archive for conductr-cli-1.2.17-Mac_OS_X-x86_64.zip

  adding: conduct (deflated 2%)
  adding: sandbox (deflated 2%)
  adding: shazar (deflated 1%)
  adding: bndl (deflated 1%)