typesense / firestore-typesense-search

Firebase Extension to automatically push Firestore documents to Typesense for full-text search with typo tolerance, faceting, and more
Apache License 2.0
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port and protocol config #39

Closed ABC-ACL closed 1 year ago

ABC-ACL commented 1 year ago

Would be nice to be able to configure the server port and protocol. I have a typesense server on http and port 8108 but can't connect this extension to it, it defaults to https on port 443.

jasonbosco commented 1 year ago

This is by design, since Firebase makes calls over the public internet to Typesense and we don't want to expose unencrypted data during transit. So you would have to setup SSL for your Typesense server.

More context here: https://github.com/typesense/firestore-typesense-search/issues/4#issuecomment-870957252

ABC-ACL commented 1 year ago

Ok, I understand. But that limits the possible server configurations. I can think of a few cases where someone would need to configure a server to listen for https in a non standard port. Or even using http, in the case of the data being 100% public.