typestack / class-transformer

Decorator-based transformation, serialization, and deserialization between objects and classes.
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fix: Transform `value` and `obj.key` are different for mongodb 4.x / mongoose 6.0 #879

Open hasezoey opened 2 years ago

hasezoey commented 2 years ago


when using Transform with mongoose 6.0 (6.0.0-rc1) and / or mongodb 4.x.x, the value and obj.key are different values

(Note: in this case key is for _id which is mongoose.Types.ObjectId instance)

Minimal code-snippet showcasing the problem

// NodeJS: 16.6.1
// MongoDB: 4.2-bionic (Docker)
import { getModelForClass, prop } from "@typegoose/typegoose"; // @typegoose/typegoose@8.1.1
import * as mongoose from "mongoose"; // mongoose@6.0.0-rc1
import { classToPlain, Exclude, Expose, plainToClass, Transform } from "class-transformer"; // class-transformer@0.4.0

// re-implement base Document to allow class-transformer to serialize/deserialize its properties
// This class is needed, otherwise "_id" and "__v" would be excluded from the output
class DocumentCT {
  // makes sure that when deserializing from a Mongoose Object, ObjectId is serialized into a string
    (value: any) => {
      if ("value" in value) {
        console.log("value", value);
        if (value.value !== value.obj[value.key]) {
          console.log("value and obj.key are different!");

        return value.value.toString(); // because "toString" is also a wrapper for "toHexString"

      return "unknown value";
    { toClassOnly: true }
  public _id!: string;

  public __v!: number;

class Account extends DocumentCT {
  public email?: string;

  @Expose({ groups: ["admin"] })
  public password?: string;

const AccountModel = getModelForClass(Account);

(async () => {
  await mongoose.connect(`mongodb://localhost:27017/`, { dbName: "verifyMASTER" });

  let id: string;
  // Init

  const { _id } = await AccountModel.create({
    email: "somebody@gmail.com",
    password: "secret",
  } as Account);
  // note here that _id is an ObjectId, hence the toString()
  // otherwise it will have the shape of : { _bsonType: 'ObjectId', id: ArrayBuffer }
  id = _id.toString();

  // first test

  console.log("saved", id);
  // lean return a Plain Old Javascript Object
  const pojo = await AccountModel.findById(id).orFail().lean().exec();
  console.log("pojo", pojo, pojo._id.toString() === id);
  // deserialize Plain Old Javascript Object into an instance of the Account class
  // serialize Account instance back to a Plain Old Javascript Object, applying class-transformer's magic
  const serialized = classToPlain(plainToClass(Account, pojo));
  console.log("ctp", serialized, serialized._id === id);
  // the reason for doing a transformation round-trip here
  // is that class-transformer can only works it magic on an instance of a class with its annotation
  console.log(serialized === {
    _id: id,
    __v: 0,
    email: "somebody@gmail.com",

  await mongoose.disconnect();
Output Note: some comments added, starting with `# ` ``` yarn run v1.22.10 $ ts-node ./src/test.ts saved 6116693687f80aa238917279 pojo { _id: new ObjectId("6116693687f80aa238917279"), email: 'somebody@gmail.com', password: 'secret', __v: 0 } true value { value: new ObjectId("6116693687f80aa23891727c"), # this is different key: '_id', obj: { _id: new ObjectId("6116693687f80aa238917279"), # with this email: 'somebody@gmail.com', password: 'secret', __v: 0 }, type: 0, options: { enableCircularCheck: false, enableImplicitConversion: false, excludeExtraneousValues: false, excludePrefixes: undefined, exposeDefaultValues: false, exposeUnsetFields: true, groups: undefined, ignoreDecorators: false, strategy: undefined, targetMaps: undefined, version: undefined } } value and obj.key are different! ctp { _id: '6116693687f80aa23891727c', __v: 0, email: 'somebody@gmail.com' } false false Done in 2.94s. ```

Reproduction Repository & Branch: https://github.com/typegoose/typegoose-testing/tree/verifyCTandM6Issue

Note: the example is taken from typegoose's tests and minified for reproduction (the linked branch is where typegoose is using mongoose 6.0)


Expected behavior

Expected that value and obj.key to be the same property

Actual behavior

value and obj.key are different

PS: this might also just be a question, i just dont know what pre-transformations are applied, i just noticed that the value are different

iamchathu commented 5 months ago

Is there any fix for this?

hasezoey commented 5 months ago

this project has not been updated since the creation of this issue, so there is no "official" fix, typegoose uses a workaround for _id, which would need to be repeated for all ObjectIds and likely does not apply to all use-cases (or maybe there is some kind of global transform, i dont know)