typestack / routing-controllers

Create structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage in Express / Koa using TypeScript and Routing Controllers Framework.
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fix: TypeDI integration not working as expected on docs #642

Open Leafgard opened 3 years ago

Leafgard commented 3 years ago


Cannot use TypeDI as explained on the README for basic services.

Obviously, it is written that it only requires the @Service on service side (seems legit), but this actually doesn't work without telling @Service before the controller as well.

Minimal code-snippet showcasing the problem

Controller snippet

import { Service } from 'typedi'

import { Get, JsonController, Param, State } from 'routing-controllers'
import { CollaboratorService } from '../services/CollaboratorService'

@Service() // This shouldn't be required as described on the README, but it is actually required to run the app as expected
export class CollaboratorController {
  constructor(private collaboratorService: CollaboratorService) { }

  async getCollaborators (@State('user') user: User, @Param('serviceId') serviceId: number) {
    return await this.collaboratorService.getCollaborators(

Actual service snippet

import { Service } from 'typedi'

export class CollaboratorService {
  async getCollaborators (userId: number, serviceId: number) {

Expected behavior

I've imported everything and created the DI Container before the app, the Controller should be working without the @Service decorator declaration.

Actual behavior

It doesn't, if I try to run the code without the @Service decorator on top of the Controller, I'll get the following error:

    "name": "ServiceNotFoundError",
    "message": "Service with \"MaybeConstructable<CollaboratorService>\" identifier was not found in the container. Register it before usage via explicitly calling the \"Container.set\" function or using the \"@Service()\" decorator.",
    "stack": "ServiceNotFoundError: Service with \"MaybeConstructable<CollaboratorService>\" identifier was not found in the container. Register it before usage via explicitly calling the \"Container.set\" function or using the \"@Service()\" decorator.\n    at ContainerInstance.get (L:\\...\\node_modules\\typedi\\cjs\\container-instance.class.js:45:15)\n    at Object.value (L:\\...\\node_modules\\typedi\\cjs\\decorators\\inject.decorator.js:31:42)\n    at L:\\...\\node_modules\\typedi\\cjs\\container-instance.class.js:286:58\n    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)\n    at ContainerInstance.applyPropertyHandlers (L:\\...\\node_modules\\typedi\\cjs\\container-instance.class.js:280:46)\n    at ContainerInstance.getServiceValue (L:\\...\\node_modules\\typedi\\cjs\\container-instance.class.js:240:18)\n    at ContainerInstance.get (L:\\...\\node_modules\\typedi\\cjs\\container-instance.class.js:29:25)\n    at Function.get (L:\\...\\node_modules\\typedi\\cjs\\container.class.js:28:36)\n    at Object.getFromContainer (L:\\...\\node_modules\\routing-controllers\\container.js:40:42)\n    at ControllerMetadata.getInstance (L:\\...\\node_modules\\routing-controllers\\metadata\\ControllerMetadata.js:26:28)",
    "normalizedIdentifier": "MaybeConstructable<CollaboratorService>"

I don't know if this is an upstream issue or not.

NoNameProvided commented 3 years ago


This is the expected behavior. Since TypeDI 0.9.0 it won't create instances for unknown classes, so you need to decorate your classes. This needs to be documented and also I believe a fix is possible as routing-controller can auto-register them in its own decrator.

Leafgard commented 3 years ago


Thanks for the answer, I'll make a pull request tonight to add some documentation about this !

maurocolella commented 3 years ago

I hate to ask, but: how does something like this sound when the developer says it out loud?

A meme for the ages.

Services everywhere.

blackshot commented 3 years ago

Still no solution yet for not having to put @Service() on all classes?

yakovets-evgeny commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem now, how do I solve it?

    throw new ServiceNotFoundError(identifier);
ServiceNotFoundError: Service with "MaybeConstructable<ErrorHandlerMiddleware>" identifier was not found in the container. Register it before usage via explicitly calling the "Container.set" function or using the "@Service()" decorator.
    at ContainerInstance.get (/Users/yacovets/Documents/GitHub/Chat-react-socket.io-nodejs/node_modules/src/container-instance.class.ts:75:11)

NodeJs: 16.0.0 "typedi": "^0.10.0" "reflect-metadata": "^0.1.13" "routing-controllers": "^0.9.0"


import 'reflect-metadata'
import { useExpressServer, useContainer } from 'routing-controllers'
import { Container } from 'typedi'

import './util/env'
import Server from './core'
import socket from './socket'
import * as controller from './controller'
import { ErrorHandlerMiddleware, ErrorNotFoundMiddleware } from './middleware'
import './service'


const server: Server = new Server()

useExpressServer(server.getApp(), {
    routePrefix: '/v1',
    controllers: controller.v1,
    defaultErrorHandler: false,
    middlewares: [


export default server


import { Response } from 'express'
import { JsonController, Post, Req, Res, UseBefore } from 'routing-controllers'
import ModifiedRequest from '../../interface/ModifiedRequest'
import { CheckAuthorizationMiddleware } from '../../middleware/CheckAuthorizationMiddleware'
import {UserService} from "../../service/UserService";
import {Service} from "typedi";

export default class User {

    constructor(private userService: UserService) {}

    getProfile(@Req() request: ModifiedRequest, @Res() response: Response) {
        return this.userService.getProfile()



import { Service } from 'typedi'

export class UserService {

    getProfile() {
        return {
            ok: true

Leafgard commented 3 years ago

@jenya-yacovets Please take some time to investigate before asking someone to do your job. πŸ˜‰

It seems like your ErrorHandlerMiddleware "Service" isn't found in Container, but since you didn't provide any part of this code, I can just guess that you forgot adding the @Service() decorator in front of your middleware !

yakovets-evgeny commented 3 years ago

@jenya-yacovets Please take some time to investigate before asking someone to do your job. πŸ˜‰

It seems like your ErrorHandlerMiddleware "Service" isn't found in Container, but since you didn't provide any part of this code, I can just guess that you forgot adding the @Service() decorator in front of your middleware !

Thanks! I thought that only in controllers you need to specify @Service()

guidsdo commented 3 years ago

This is what I'm using to save me from writing more code than necessary 😁 :

export function ServiceController(...args: Parameters<typeof Controller>) {
    return <TFunction extends Function>(target: TFunction) => {

export function ServiceJsonController(...args: Parameters<typeof Controller>) {
    return <TFunction extends Function>(target: TFunction) => {
slavafomin commented 2 years ago

I had to update ~60 classes to add @Service everywhere. This is just crazy. Couldn't @Controller decorator automatically register controller/middleware classes with the provided DIC? I guess, this should be just a couple of lines of code in the library.

aaarichter commented 2 years ago

it is also odd how semver is handled in the related libs - breaking changes like this require a major bump or a graceful behavior as stated in the comment https://github.com/typestack/routing-controllers/issues/642#issuecomment-777145245

bvanreeven commented 2 years ago

@aaarichter In SemVer, going from version 0.x.y to 0.x+1.0 is considered a major bump. NPM also handles it as such, e.g. depending on typedi@^0.8.0 would install the latest 0.8.x version, not 0.9.x.

attilaorosz commented 2 years ago

@NoNameProvided I believe this has been solved. Package is working as expected. I agree that controllers should maybe register themselves in the DI without the explicit @Service decorator but that's a feature request at this point.

NoNameProvided commented 2 years ago

Let's keep this open for tracking. I think we may auto-register services, but we need to discuss this further.

kenberkeley commented 1 year ago

Update: they are the same... even TSyringe still require us to apply @autoInjectable() on the controller level...

5E7EN commented 1 year ago

Any update on this? Has there been a decision on whether to support auto registering services? What would be the potential downsides?

attilaorosz commented 1 year ago

The issue with auto registering is that we have to commit to one di lib, otherwise we cannot really register the controllers because each lib instantiates the services differently. One solution could be to provide a configurable function in the factories where you can set how you want your controllers instantiated, but we would have to resolve the dependencies ourselves then.