typesupply / lasermeasure

A laser measure tool.
MIT License
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Rafał's stem measurements. #16

Open typesupply opened 2 years ago

typesupply commented 2 years ago

Would something like this be useful? https://github.com/RafalBuchner/StemThickness I haven't studied the code, but base on the video, the algorithm seems to be something like this:

if the cursor is near a contour:
  get the intersection point of the contour near the cursor.
  determine the angle at the contour at the intersection point.
  test for intersections perpendicular to that angle from the intersection point (with the cursor being collinear)
  report the first hit.

This would be useful for measuring diagonals and curves to check for monolinearity, etc.

This was suggested by @JakobFangmeier in #3.

typesupply commented 2 years ago

Test implemented in 338a3329c78d484ee272f486e47fb613d4435487. It works pretty smoothly. I'll need to figure out when this should be done in the sequence of candidates, but it won't be hard to add.

typesupply commented 2 years ago

I forgot to cc @RafalBuchner. 😩 Thanks for this measurement idea, Rafał!

typesupply commented 2 years ago

Update on my thinking on this...

I want to add this, but it is a different type of measurement than what the tool currently displays. My current plan is to add require a modifier key in addition to the standard trigger key to toggle to this measurement type. That will require a bit of reworking inside of the display layer structure and event interpretation code, but it's not a huge change. I'll probably implement this in the next version.

RafalBuchner commented 2 years ago

Hi @typesupply I have written version of StemThickness for RF3 a few yrs ago. I was planning on opening it for free access to all the users. Let me know if you are interested in checking this out. I could send it to you via email.

typesupply commented 2 years ago

@RafalBuchner Thanks! I think I have code for it but I figured it out from that instead of reading the code 😄. Here's what I do:

It seems to work, but please let me know if it doesn't sound correct. I am bad at math so I had to solve this through logic.

Here's a DrawBot.roboFontExtension (I use some of RF's internal math functions) test of my implementation:

import math
import random
from fontTools.misc import bezierTools as ftBezierTools
from fontTools.ufoLib.glifLib import readGlyphFromString
import defcon
from fontParts.world import RGlyph
import drawBot as bot
from lib.tools import bezierTools
from mojo.tools import IntersectGlyphWithLine

def roundPoint(pt):
    x, y = pt
    x = round(x)
    y = round(y)
    return (x, y)

def findPerpendicularDistanceForPoint(glyph, location, scale=1):
    radius = 10 / scale
    # Is the location close to a segment?
    selector = glyph.getRepresentation("doodle.GlyphSelection")
    found = selector.segmentStrokeHitByPoint_(
    if not found:
    # Convert the fontParts segment into a complete sequence of points.
    contourIndex, segmentIndex, nsSegment = found
    contour = glyph[contourIndex]
    prevSegmentIndex = segmentIndex - 1
    if prevSegmentIndex < 0:
        prevSegmentIndex = len(contour.segments) - 1
    prevSegment = contour.segments[prevSegmentIndex]
    segment = contour.segments[segmentIndex]
    segmentType = segment.type
    segmentPoints = [
        (prevSegment.onCurve.x, prevSegment.onCurve.y)
    ] + [(p.x, p.y) for p in segment.points]
    # Create a point that hits the segment near the location.
    intersection = None
    if segmentType == "line":
        intersection = bezierTools.intersectCircleLine(
    elif segmentType == "curve":
        intersection = bezierTools.intersectCubicCircle(
    elif segmentType == "qcurve":
        # XXX
        # this will require conversion to
        # cubic and I don't want to deal
        # with that right now so...
        # but, it's possible.
    if intersection is None or not intersection.points:
    # XXX
    # There is an edge case here that I don't have the
    # brain power to sort out right now: if the circle
    # used for the intersection test above extends past
    # the start or end point, the only t will be the
    # part of the circle that does intersect. this will
    # throw off the calculation. This needs to be fixed.
    # test segment: [(437, 252), (437, 64)]
    # location: (440, 71)
    # radius: 10
    # function: bezierTools.intersectCircleLine
    # XXX
    t = sum(intersection.t) / len(intersection.t)
    if segmentType == "line":
        angleAnchor1 = segmentPoints[0]
        angleAnchor2 = segmentPoints[1]
        hit = ftBezierTools.linePointAtT(
    elif segmentType == "curve":
        splitSegment1, splitSegment2 = ftBezierTools.splitCubicAtT(
        hit = splitSegment1[-1]
        angleAnchor1 = splitSegment1[-2]
        angleAnchor2 = splitSegment2[1]
        # XXX see note about qcurve above
    # Calculate the angle of the segment at the new point.
    angle = bezierTools.calculateAngle(angleAnchor1, angleAnchor2)
    # Calculate the perpendicular angle.
    if contour.pointInside(location):
        if contour.clockwise:
            delta = -90
            delta = 90
        if contour.clockwise:
            delta = 90
            delta = -90
    perpendicular = angle + delta
    # Create a line from the new point along the perpendicular angle.
    d = 1000
    a = math.radians(perpendicular)
    rayX = hit[0] + math.cos(a) * d
    rayY = hit[1] + math.sin(a) * d
    # Find the intersections between the glyph and the line.
    intersections = IntersectGlyphWithLine(
        (hit, (rayX, rayY)),
    # Find the intersection nearest the original location.
    intersection = None
    if intersections:
        sorter = []
        for i in intersections:
            if roundPoint(i) == roundPoint(hit):
            distance = bezierTools.distanceFromPointToPoint(hit, i)
            sorter.append((distance, i))
        if sorter:
            intersection = sorter[0][-1]
    if intersection is None:
    # Return the point and the intersection.
    return (hit, intersection)

# ----
# Test
# ----

glif = """
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<glyph name="A" format="2">
  <advance width="500"/>
      <point x="250" y="0" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
      <point x="500" y="0" type="line"/>
      <point x="500" y="375" type="line"/>
      <point x="375" y="500" type="line"/>
      <point x="250" y="500" type="line" smooth="yes"/>
      <point x="112" y="500"/>
      <point x="0" y="388"/>
      <point x="0" y="250" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
      <point x="0" y="112"/>
      <point x="112" y="0"/>
      <point x="437" y="252" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
      <point x="437" y="64" type="line"/>
      <point x="250" y="64" type="line"/>
      <point x="67" y="252" type="line"/>
      <point x="67" y="355"/>
      <point x="148" y="436"/>
      <point x="252" y="436" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
      <point x="355" y="436"/>
      <point x="437" y="355"/>

glyph = RGlyph()
readGlyphFromString(glif, glyph, glyph.getPointPen())

padding = 50
w, h = glyph.bounds[2:]
w += padding * 2
h += padding * 2
bot.size(w, h)
bot.translate(padding, padding)
bot.fill(0, 0, 0, 0.05)
bot.stroke(0, 0, 0, 0.5)

xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax = glyph.bounds
xMin -= padding / 2
yMin -= padding / 2
xMax += padding / 2
yMax += padding / 2

counter = 0
while counter < 50:
    x = random.randint(xMin, xMax)
    y = random.randint(yMin, yMax)
    hit = findPerpendicularDistanceForPoint(glyph, (x, y))
    if not hit:
    r = random.random()
    g = random.random()
    b = random.random()
    bot.stroke(r, g, b, 1)
    bot.line(hit[0], hit[1])
    bot.fill(r, g, b, 1)
    bot.oval(x-2, y-2, 4, 4)
    counter += 1


ryanbugden commented 1 year ago

➕ I would LOVE this feature!