typewriter-editor / typewriter

A rich text editor based off of Quill.js and Ultradom, and using Svelte for UI.
MIT License
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The switch to commonjs module compilation is incompatible with "type": "module" #127

Open taylorhadden opened 1 year ago

taylorhadden commented 1 year ago

I am in the process of updating typewriter to 0.7.16 in my project. With the switch to using a commonjs output, webpack cannot import from sub-directories (e.g. import { h } from 'typewriter-editor/lib/rendering/vdom').

I was able to fix this by removing "type": "module" in package.json. Looks like typewriter needs to be a commonjs module through-and-through or the js files it produces need to be .cjs.

taylorhadden commented 1 year ago

Removing "type": "module" breaks all building scripts (obvious, in retrospect).

I was able to get importing & building to work by adding a package.json with nothing but { "type": "commonjs" } in the ./lib/ folder.

tomconnors commented 1 year ago

I was also unable to use version 0.7.16 due to this issue. 0.7.15 works.

With 0.7.16, attempts to import Typewriter's modules (in a typical Svelte + Typescript project) resulted in an error along the lines of "exports is not defined".

FluffyDiscord commented 1 year ago

The 0.7.16 is broken - I am getting Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined on a clean npx create-vite project.