typewriter-editor / typewriter

A rich text editor based off of Quill.js and Ultradom, and using Svelte for UI.
MIT License
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How to use with sveltekit - A mini guide. #130

Open TheBitmonkey opened 1 year ago

TheBitmonkey commented 1 year ago

Here is my good deed for the day. I have gotten it to work with sveltekit finally.

There are three things to do.

  1. vite.config.ts add this.

    optimizeDeps: { include: ['typewriter-editor > @typewriter/document'] }

  2. svelte.config.ts - add this snippet (I am not sure this step is necessary)

    vitePlugin: { prebundleSvelteLibraries: true, },

3 - Only load in browser .svelte file:

    {#if browser}
        {#await import('./SmartEntry.svelte')}
            {' '}
        {:then e}
            <svelte:component this={e.default} />
        <noscript> Please allow javascript </noscript>

This works in Dev, I think I may need to add @rollup/plugin-commonjs to get it to build for prod. I will report back. Good luck all.

nathancahill commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this.

cljnilsson commented 1 year ago

A more complete example:

<script lang="ts">
    import { browser } from "$app/environment";

{#if browser}
    {#await import("typewriter-editor")}
        {' '}
    {:then e}
        {@const Editor = e.Editor}
        {@const editor = new Editor()}
        {#await import("typewriter-editor/lib/Toolbar.svelte")}
            {' '}
        {:then e}
            <svelte:component this={e.default} {editor} let:active let:commands>
                <div class="toolbar">
                    class:active={active.header === 1}



        {#await import("typewriter-editor/lib/Root.svelte")}
            {' '}
        {:then e}
            <svelte:component this={e.default} {editor} />
    <noscript> Please allow javascript </noscript>

However the text is reversed for some reason when I type which is weird.

MarcGodard commented 10 months ago

However the text is reversed for some reason when I type which is weird.

Is this still the case? I was going to use it for my svelte.kit project and add modules as needed, but not interested in using if its this far behind alternatives.

w3rafu commented 4 months ago

Thank you for saving me so much time.

Extarys commented 2 months ago

RIP I get: Cannot find module 'typewriter-editor/lib/Toolbar.svelte' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)

And if I try to import typewriter in the script section:

dev: Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module './my-turbo/node_modules/@typewriter/document/dist/deltaToText' imported from ./my-turbo-2024/node_modules/@typewriter/document/dist/index.js

(I had to install @typewriter/document manually because it was throwing an error about it missing.)

Is this suppose to be svelte compatible ? I don't see any documentation about it working :joy:
