Open TheBitmonkey opened 1 year ago
Thank you for this.
A more complete example:
<script lang="ts">
import { browser } from "$app/environment";
{#if browser}
{#await import("typewriter-editor")}
{' '}
{:then e}
{@const Editor = e.Editor}
{@const editor = new Editor()}
{#await import("typewriter-editor/lib/Toolbar.svelte")}
{' '}
{:then e}
<svelte:component this={e.default} {editor} let:active let:commands>
<div class="toolbar">
class:active={active.header === 1}
{#await import("typewriter-editor/lib/Root.svelte")}
{' '}
{:then e}
<svelte:component this={e.default} {editor} />
<noscript> Please allow javascript </noscript>
However the text is reversed for some reason when I type which is weird.
However the text is reversed for some reason when I type which is weird.
Is this still the case? I was going to use it for my svelte.kit project and add modules as needed, but not interested in using if its this far behind alternatives.
Thank you for saving me so much time.
I get:
Cannot find module 'typewriter-editor/lib/Toolbar.svelte' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)
And if I try to import typewriter in the script section:
dev: Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module './my-turbo/node_modules/@typewriter/document/dist/deltaToText' imported from ./my-turbo-2024/node_modules/@typewriter/document/dist/index.js
(I had to install @typewriter/document manually because it was throwing an error about it missing.)
Is this suppose to be svelte compatible ? I don't see any documentation about it working :joy:
Here is my good deed for the day. I have gotten it to work with sveltekit finally.
There are three things to do.
vite.config.ts add this.
optimizeDeps: { include: ['typewriter-editor > @typewriter/document'] }
svelte.config.ts - add this snippet (I am not sure this step is necessary)
vitePlugin: { prebundleSvelteLibraries: true, },
3 - Only load in browser .svelte file:
This works in Dev, I think I may need to add @rollup/plugin-commonjs to get it to build for prod. I will report back. Good luck all.