typhon-project / typhon-polystore-api

Typhon Polystore API
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Typhon UI not needed? #12

Closed MarieSaphira closed 3 years ago

MarieSaphira commented 4 years ago

Hi, at the moment the UI is used to upload the models. With #30 the models (version 1) are uploaded automatically to the metadata container on startup. So the UI is still used to upload new model versions. But in the end this should not be allowed, right? Only the Migration/Evolution Tool is allowed to change the models? @benatspo @meuriceloup @anthonycleve @OrfenCLMS

Will the UI be used for user-management?

benatspo commented 4 years ago


Actually, we upload all the new ML models using the QL API while evolving the schema and the data. So actually, we do not need the UI for evolution service. Still the UI could be useful for the users to download the latest ML model, in which they add the evolution operators (using text or Eclipse graphical editor), before executing our evolution service.

The UI is also practical to upload new test models, before executing our evolution operators. We could use the QL API to do such an upload, but it is easier to use the UI for such a task actually.

I think the UI is also interesting for the polystore status in the bottom-left corner of the UI, and to check databases status.

OrfenCLMS commented 4 years ago

Also, the models can be uploaded/downloaded with HTTP REST calls directly on the API. I'm working on making all this information available on the README

MarieSaphira commented 4 years ago

I think the UI is also interesting for the polystore status in the bottom-left corner of the UI, and to check databases status.

Maybe an accessible getStatus method could be added to the API?

OrfenCLMS commented 4 years ago

There are 2 status GET endpoints:

/api/databases for database connection & status information /api/status for API status