When using a prepared statement to insert into a relational database an entity containing a bigint value, whereby this entity is also referenced by a graph database, the insert fails as follows.
NB: simple inserts work fine.
The prepared statement should succeed, inserting the entity.
typhonql-server_1 | java.lang.RuntimeException: Query executor does not know how to serialize object of type class java.lang.Long
typhonql-server_1 | (internal error)
typhonql-server_1 | at $typhonql$(|main://$typhonql$|)
typhonql-server_1 |
typhonql-server_1 | java.lang.RuntimeException: Query executor does not know how to serialize object of type class java.lang.Long
typhonql-server_1 | at nl.cwi.swat.typhonql.backend.neo4j.Neo4JEngine.toNeo4JObject(Neo4JEngine.java:110)
typhonql-server_1 | at nl.cwi.swat.typhonql.backend.neo4j.Neo4JEngine.lambda$3(Neo4JEngine.java:82)
Describe the bug
When using a prepared statement to insert into a relational database an entity containing a bigint value, whereby this entity is also referenced by a graph database, the insert fails as follows. NB: simple inserts work fine.
Expected behavior
The prepared statement should succeed, inserting the entity.
typhonql-server_1 | java.lang.RuntimeException: Query executor does not know how to serialize object of type class java.lang.Long typhonql-server_1 | (internal error) typhonql-server_1 | at $typhonql$(|main://$typhonql$|) typhonql-server_1 | typhonql-server_1 | java.lang.RuntimeException: Query executor does not know how to serialize object of type class java.lang.Long typhonql-server_1 | at nl.cwi.swat.typhonql.backend.neo4j.Neo4JEngine.toNeo4JObject(Neo4JEngine.java:110) typhonql-server_1 | at nl.cwi.swat.typhonql.backend.neo4j.Neo4JEngine.lambda$3(Neo4JEngine.java:82)