Task 4.5: Data Access Layer Generation (CWI, SWAT, UDA, ATB))
This task will design and implement a framework for generating ready-to-use APIs through which application developers will be able to perform CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations and queries on hybrid polystores. Multiple API technologies will be considered including native Java, REST and Apache Thrift.
Implement it, most likely as a set of generated java classes, will need to check about possible reuse of ML's work on this.
Generate java classes that send query's to the right end points. Generator is most likely called from the QL IDE.
Related Deliverable
Implement it, most likely as a set of generated java classes, will need to check about possible reuse of ML's work on this.
Generate java classes that send query's to the right end points. Generator is most likely called from the QL IDE.