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[BUG]: Materials deleted #243

Open Rygeh opened 2 months ago

Rygeh commented 2 months ago

Roblox Username


What version did this issue occur in?


Describe the issue in detail.

Loading my base to plot 5, my game froze. Couldn't select to respawn or leave so had to force quit to xbox dashboard. On loading again to all my materials in my underbase storage slots have vanished. The blocky materials, stone, metals, ores bone, hallow etc. Is there a way to revert my save to a previous so they are still there. Like a rollback of 5 minutes or so and I can carry on building and having fun. I love this game and put many hours in. I hope you can help

Provide some images / videos of the issue in action.

I am too worried to go in the game incase it gets worse

Before Submitting

Rygeh commented 2 months ago

I have started a new save on the same account, I hope that won't mess with your looking into things. The save with things that vanished is called Rygeh. One, maybe, important thing to note is the things that vanished were not anchored down. Lesson learned