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[BUG]: you can fly by putting two crates inside each others #525

Open Enedyx2 opened 1 month ago

Enedyx2 commented 1 month ago

Roblox Username


What version did this issue occur in?


Describe the issue in detail.

1) put one large crate vertically and one horizontally and open both of them 2) put the corner of the horizontal one into the vertical one 3) seal the vertical crate 4) enter in the horizontal crate and seal it with you in it 5) weeeeeeeee

you can kinda control the crates while flying, to do that you need to try to walk on the "vertical crate" while flying and walk in the direction you want (awful to control because the crates keep rotating)

to land or descend in altitude, you just need to unseal the "vertical crate"

this bug also work with more crates but it's almost impossible to control it whit more than 3 crates

i didn't tested with small and large crates

this issue is (probably) different from the one where we need to grab the crate while sealing it because i don't have to grab the crate here

finally, you can put items inside both crates and this bug will still work (can be easier to control if you put items in the "horizontal" crate), so if a better way to control the crates is found it can theoretically be used to farm/travel faster

Provide some images / videos of the issue in action.


Before Submitting

Enedyx2 commented 1 month ago

the link apparently doesn't work, here's a youtube link that work https://youtu.be/ApjVdNeWlbw