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[BUG]: Loading base in "Property #8" got rid of almost everything i had in my base #530

Open Elsolitario1234 opened 1 month ago

Elsolitario1234 commented 1 month ago

Roblox Username


What version did this issue occur in?


Describe the issue in detail.

Basically what happened is that when i spawned after loading my base in Property #8 I spawned below the map and i could not get to my base by doing reset in the menu, the problem resides in this happening before in version 1.54.8 and there was a difference wich would lead to me not reporting this in that moment that difference was: almost everything in my base got wiped out, due to some thing i could not comprehend that made all the things go to the sides of my property to a point where everything was inside the fence that prevents the players from entering my property but at the same time those things were off the brown floor that could be considered as the territory of a player so those things were in the grass section between the fence and the brown floor, that fence i have to add this because its important, the fence i could see it wich should not be possible for the owner to see the fence to keep the players out of your property, my friend was with me while the whole thing was happening and he saw people trying to take things from outside the fence wich he tried to stop and he had to go right in that moment so i just left the game in that moment to try and load my base in a normal way so i got into a solo server and all my stuff was gone, just a little reminder i do not want my things back i just want to report this so that people dont go through this like i did

Provide some images / videos of the issue in action.

image That would be the 1.54.8 version of the incident and everything was ok after doing reset this picture includes the date image This is the full picture of the incident image Now this is what happened in the 1.55.0 version of the game image This is the full picture where you can see the clover trees and a few sand blocks with the trolley inside the fence but outside my property the thing is i still have the sand blocks and the trolley but not the clover trees Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-05-05 a las 13 35 40_de3a4d1e This is the proof i had things in my base i now dont have thanks to the bug image And this is that proof with the date to note im not lying Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-05-05 a las 14 47 18_651fa083 I dont really know if i should keep adding pictures but the more the better right...? image Im just trying to be honest about everything Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-04-30 a las 23 31 55_21a210fa Still sad about losing that plek... image I dont have more proof but that should be all i hope you guys could do something about it!

Before Submitting

Elsolitario1234 commented 1 month ago

I forgot to add the aftermath sorry Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-05-11 a las 13 15 38_d6695e30