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[BUG]: Lost all of my stuff #534

Open bibocauke opened 1 month ago

bibocauke commented 1 month ago

Roblox Username


What version did this issue occur in?


Describe the issue in detail.

13/5/2024 2:00PM GMT+7, I joined a few players server and chose a land. However, when i already picked a land, I keep falling beneath the ground and it went like this permaently until a new player joined ( the guy named V LSC ). When I checked my stuff, I lost all of them, only a few lava wood, which had bounced out of the land space remained.

I lost a lot of lava tree and electrified tree, which I has kept for a long time. Also, 3 meteor cores and my skull disappeared because i tend to get emberbane axe. There're also some small things but i just need to be refunded some important ones. Thank you for taking time.

Provide some images / videos of the issue in action.

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