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[BUG]: Disappearing items and more in "Co-Op" saves. #545

Open RhythmVisuals opened 1 month ago

RhythmVisuals commented 1 month ago

Roblox Username


What version did this issue occur in?


Describe the issue in detail.

My friend found that when he collected resources and loaded them into his truck, They would not snap to the bed and instead stayed loose. He was using a truck from my property as i host the co-op save, Keep in mind he had full permissions.

He found that while struggling back the items often disappeared entirely while travelling or disappeared when he collected them from his truck when he arrived back to the base.

I assume that it's due to conflicting permissions somewhere in the game that believe the truck isn't his, So shouldn't snap the items as his. Also, This issue has only come around since the latest update.

Another issue we both found is that the game will appear to crash/hang/struggle for about 10-40 seconds we believe when anyone joins and loads their save.

Thank you for reading and i hope this is easy to resolve 😊

Provide some images / videos of the issue in action.

Sadly none.

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