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[BUG]: Magma Wood and Saw #549

Closed MayoIsTaken closed 3 weeks ago

MayoIsTaken commented 1 month ago

Roblox Username


What version did this issue occur in?


Describe the issue in detail.

Sorry I am new, but I got some magma wood and when I hover my saw over it with my steel saw and it says it needs reinforced one, but I am sawing it easily with a steel saw. Just something I noticed. Thank you for the great game so far, I am enjoying it alot :). I am sorry if anyone else has already reported this, I havent ever used github? im sorry if i am wasting your time, I saw one report about it but it was the sawmill not the saw itself.

Provide some images / videos of the issue in action.

Screenshot 2024-05-15 070757 Screenshot 2024-05-15 070746 Screenshot 2024-05-15 070731

Before Submitting

HooferDevelops commented 3 weeks ago

This one was quite funny, I forgot to actually check if they were able to saw, thanks!