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[BUG]: The problem of players' mutual rights leads to the items in the base #553

Closed liubibabu closed 6 days ago

liubibabu commented 2 weeks ago

Roblox Username


What version did this issue occur in?


Describe the issue in detail.

My friends and I have whitelisted each other, but when I quit, some of my friends' belongings were still in the same place and not kept in my base, which was not available before. And I re-entered the game and asked my friend to quit, and his items became ownerless (we have a white list for each other). Image_1715848428439 And because of this problem, my friends and I lost some property,This is the situation before quitting. Image_1715848475540 This is after quitting. Image_1715848456838 At that time, I didn't even know that some were missing at home. Image_1715848433885 Two original bluesteel mines, four original mythril mines, one adurute growing on magma rock and two adurute growing on black stone, one aranium mine, four greeb mines and one obsidian mine, as well as a few roses.I love this game very much,my friend spent a week looking for these things,If I can, I hope they can come back,so I report this bug here, and can I ask for some compensation?

Provide some images / videos of the issue in action.


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