typicode / hotel

🏩 A simple process manager for developers. Start apps from your browser and access them using local domains
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Using concurrently ? #327

Open melMass opened 5 years ago

melMass commented 5 years ago


Thanks for making hotel, very useful.

I have an issue or maybe a feature request. I'm working on a project with a react frontend and a python flask backend. for instance:

├── app.log ├── client the react app (frontend) │   ├── README.md │   ├── craco.config.js │   ├── dist │   ├── package.json │   ├── public │   ├── src │   ├── yarn-error.log │   └── yarn.lock ├── package.json ├── requirements.txt ├── scripts │   └── restart_server.sh ├── server.py the flask app (backend) ├── database.py ├── db.json ├── venv │   ├── bin │   ├── include │   ├── lib │   ├── pip-selfcheck.json │   └── pyvenv.cfg └── yarn.lock

I use concurently to run both the python server and the react app (dev mode) at the same time with --kill-others-on-fail

Trying to register hotel add "yarn run dev" but it's autobinding both to the same port making one or the other fail.

I know that I could use two separate add for frontend / backend but I was wondering if there was a workaround to this ?

mnpenner commented 4 years ago

I'm thinking the ability to create server groups might be nice.

It's not quite what you're asking for, but if Hotel could boot multiple servers at once (essentially replacing concurrently) that'd be swell. We'd still need a way to pass in the ports of all the other servers to each process though; right now I have to hardcode the ports so that they can talk to eachother.