typicode / hotel

🏩 A simple process manager for developers. Start apps from your browser and access them using local domains
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[Feature] Desktop Notifications #342

Open udayrajMT opened 4 years ago

udayrajMT commented 4 years ago

Context: I am running a reactjs app with webpack dev server for hot reloading, etc. And using hotel to manage multiple such projects at different urls. So far it's been really useful and productive. Now often times on making some breaking file changes, the build would fail and the logs would show in hotel, but the server would still run on previous successful build(not in control of hotel).

Request: I wish there was a feature to give Desktop notifications whenever hotel sees a "Compiled Successfully" or "Compilation failed" message. To generalise, it may give user to add multiple regex patterns to match in error logs and give notifications. It will help hike productivity levels immensely for me.

Thanks, Udayraj