typicode / husky

Git hooks made easy 🐶 woof!
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Use a Windows compatible script in release note #1380

Closed fisker closed 3 months ago

fisker commented 3 months ago


If you're migrating from husky 4, see: https://typicode.github.io/husky/migrate-from-v4.html

Context Please describe your issue and provide some context:

Thank you!

In v9 release note,

echo "npm test" > .husky/pre-commit

is suggested to use, but it should not work on cmd.exe, in my experience

node --eval "fs.writeFileSync('.husky/pre-commit','npm test\n')" 

should work for any shell, maybe worth to update?

Context: https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16000#discussion_r1477057609

typicode commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the feedback :slightly_smiling_face: you're right about it not working on Windows.

I've updated the changelog so that This can be accomplished using your favorite editor, a script or a basic echo command is closer to the v9 example. I've also added that it's for Linux/macOS.

The idea with v9 update is that you don't need a special command anymore. That's what I wanted to showcase with echo 'npm test' > .husky/pre-commit.

Previously, npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npm test" was kind of necessary since hooks were more complex.

For reference,it was doing the following to the hook file:

Now, just creating a file with the hook code is sufficient. Most users will probably use their code editor like they do for editing their other config files.

I feel that node --eval "fs.writeFileSync('.husky/pre-commit','npm test\n')" could confuse beginners that aren't familiar with fs API or they may end up relying on it to change hook.

typicode commented 3 months ago

I just saw that it's consistent with the way prettier config is installed, you can forget about my last comment :)