typicode / mistcss

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Use CSS Vars to allow direct passthrough of tailwind variables #40

Closed The-Code-Monkey closed 4 months ago

The-Code-Monkey commented 5 months ago

This is a suggestion on how to handle #36 as it sounds pretty interesting.

The way i was thinking of it was to enable the use of something like

div:scope {
  --padding: 0;
  padding: var(--padding);

 &[data-padding="--spacing-"] {}

which the parser would see this as

type BazProps = {
  children?: ReactNode,
  padding?: string,
} & JSX.IntrinsicElements['p']

export function Baz({ children, padding, ...props }: BazProps) {
  return (
    <p {...props} className="baz" style={{ "--padding": `var(--spacing-${padding})` }>

I know its not the prettiest solution but it could work in terms of how simple it is, or maybe we could even remove the need for the &[data-padding] somehow and resolve this value from the --padding var directly e.g.

div:scope {
  --padding: var(--spacing-0); <-  default value
  padding: var(--padding);

this way we could infer that for padding prop to grab the first half of the assigned ts variable and then concat the prop onto the end.

The-Code-Monkey commented 5 months ago

I would be happy to do this solution if this is something you want to implement, either now or in the future.

alamenai commented 5 months ago

Hi @The-Code-Monkey ,

Thank you for the suggestions , but I guess it will add more complexity to the syntax.

The-Code-Monkey commented 5 months ago

It depends on which option you look at the second one is not too much syntax and follows a very similar format to how tailwind themselves do stuff.

the first one option is a little more complex but again not too complex its less complex than what im currently doing in my component lib thats using mist.


it would make something like this so much cleaner and extendable for custom tailwind values.

as all i would have would be

  @scope (.flex) {
    div:scope {
      --direction: var(--flex-column);
      --justify: var(--justify-start);
      --items: var(--items-start);
      --content: var(--content-start);
      --gap: var(--gap-0);

     display: flex;
     gap: var(--gap);
     flex-direction: var(--direction);
     justify-content: var(--justify);
     align-items: var(--items);
     align-content: var(--content);

This is much cleaner than current solution and more dynamic.

alamenai commented 5 months ago

Wow, Yep I liked it.

The-Code-Monkey commented 5 months ago

Wow, Yep I liked it.

Just have to get @typicode on side now ha ha

typicode commented 5 months ago

I've been thinking about CSS variables as well :) For values that aren't enums (number, percent, color, ...)

So yes, MistCSS should support them. I'd like to a simple way to ignore computed CSS var or distinguish between "public"/"private".

For example:

input[type="checkbox"] {
  width: 80px;
  height: 80px;
  --i: 0;
  --hue: calc(var(--i) * 50 + 100);
  accent-color: hsl(var(--hue), 50%, 50%);
<div style="text-align: center">
  <input type="checkbox" checked style="--i: 0"/>
  <input type="checkbox" checked style="--i: 1"/>
  <input type="checkbox" checked style="--i: 2"/>
  <input type="checkbox" checked style="--i: 3"/>

I'd like the generated component to expose i as a prop but not hue.

The-Code-Monkey commented 5 months ago

Yeah I like that idea of how certain values are exposed and others aren't.

I think exposed values should be strings, numbers, CSS vars like my example above but yeah things like calc wouldn't be exposed

The-Code-Monkey commented 5 months ago

I'm currently working on a basic implementation for variables currently it will be finished off tomorrow morning and I'll submit it for review

The-Code-Monkey commented 5 months ago

I have an implementation written @alamenai typicode is working on refactoring so in the meantime i published my own so i can continue dev, don't recommend using it though as it will be removed once typicode is done with their refactor. And it is also will be buggy as i will test stuff in it.


you can see it in action here


typicode commented 4 months ago

An alternative to this, that can work with the current CSS variable implementation, could be to use the Tailwind variables in JS.

For example:

<Button color={colors.500} padding={spacing[8]}/>


This would have the benefit of having TS check that the keys used are valid.

// Error from TS
<Button color={colors.54321} padding={spacing.xl}/>

I haven't done research into exactly how this this can imported.


Getting Tailwind variables is possible this way:

const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme')
The-Code-Monkey commented 4 months ago

Yeah this is what I would like to support maybe via a specific tailwind renderer. E.g. react tailwind.

But I would personally say for things like padding should be just 8 not spacing.8 as we should be able to infer the tailwind schema it belongs to. I'll have a look at supporting something next week

typicode commented 4 months ago

I see. I understand it could be easier but I think it could be possible with the existing code.

If you wrap Mist components in a function that would convert padding={8} to padding={theme.spaces.8} (and other properties) before passing it to Mist component, that could work.