typings / api

The TypeScript definition registry
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api.typings.org is down for today #104

Open dmitriy-pisarevskiy opened 3 months ago

blakeembrey commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately I’ve been maintaining this out of pocket for years beyond what I expected so far, and I’m on vacation without a laptop for the next week. If it’s down it will probably be staying down. Here was the last time there was an outage: https://github.com/typings/api/issues/103, same reply.

Apologies for the outage but it’s not something I actively support anymore, and hasn’t been for years.

Update: It was caused by Heroku doing an ad-hoc DB upgrade that broke the connection, I have now gone ahead and deleted the instance entirely as a cursory glance didn't make it a clear fix like last time they made updates.

shajz commented 3 months ago

Thank you Blake, for providing typings all those years! Agreed, it should stay down.

To anyone relying on it right now, you can easily commit your typings folder and remove any call to typings (like typings install) to fix immediate issues. If you have a sub-dependency running typings install on their "install" script, you can run npm ci --ignore-scripts (https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v10/commands/npm-ci#ignore-scripts) or yarn --ignore-scripts (https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/cli/install/#toc-yarn-install-ignore-scripts)

In a second time, you should migrate to @types https://github.com/typings/typings?tab=readme-ov-file#deprecation-notice-regarding-typescript20

mjcrockett commented 3 months ago

My company is also struggling with this. I'm scrambling right now to use @types.

gigo6000 commented 3 months ago

@mjcrockett we could fix our build doing the workaround suggested by @shajz.

dmitriy-pisarevskiy commented 3 months ago

ok, thanks all. I just committed our types to repository without install action, as I understood it automatically discover types to download from API backend, but not so important for us.

mjcrockett commented 3 months ago

Thank you @gigo6000 and @shajz. I implemented @types for our project but it just didn't run the same. So I undid that work and followed your suggestion. It's good for now.

blakeembrey commented 3 months ago

Just a heads up, but in addition to @shajz’s recommendation, the registry is just a pointer to actual file locations. You can just go to the JSON files here: https://github.com/typings/registry/tree/master and copy and paste the URLs from the registry into your typings.json file so it doesn’t hit the registry at all during install. That way there’s no changes needed except changing the locations in the file. I would still recommend migrating away, it’s been over 7 years since I deprecated typings and since the last registry update so it's been a while since you got updated TypeScript definitions.