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Update ajv to the latest version šŸš€ #984

Closed greenkeeper[bot] closed 7 years ago

greenkeeper[bot] commented 7 years ago

Version 5.0.0 of ajv just got published.

Dependency ajv
Current Version 4.11.7
Type devDependency

The version 5.0.0 is not covered by your current version range.

Without accepting this pull request your project will work just like it did before. There might be a bunch of new features, fixes and perf improvements that the maintainers worked on for you though.

I recommend you look into these changes and try to get onto the latest version of ajv. Given that you have a decent test suite, a passing build is a strong indicator that you can take advantage of these changes by merging the proposed change into your project. Otherwise this branch is a great starting point for you to work on the update.

Release Notes 5.0.0

This release is fully backward compatible, but it is likely to require either migrating your schemas (recommended, e.g. using "migrate" command of ajv-cli) or changing your code using Ajv.

You can still use draft-04 and v5 schemas with this release (see Migration guide below).

The changes below are based on 4.11.7 version.

JSON-Schema draft-06 support

  • Support for boolean schemas: wherever a schema is required, true/false can be used in order to always pass/fail validation.
  • $id keyword is used as schema URI (previously id).
  • exclusiveMaximum and exclusiveMinimum keywords must be numbers (previously boolean).
  • additional validation keywords: const, contains, propertyNames.
  • additional formats: uri-reference, uri-template.

See Internet drafts: JSON Schema, JSON Schema Validation.

Migrating from Ajv 4.x.x

Migrate your schemas

It is a recommended approach.

Required changes
  • replace id with $id
  • update $schema
  • replace boolean form of exclusiveMaximum/Minimum with numeric form
  • replace Ajv v5 constant with const
Optional changes
  • replace enum with a single allowed value with const
  • replace empty schemas with true
  • replace schemas {"not":{}} with false

You can use "migrate" command of ajv-cli to make these changes to your schemas.

If you need to continue using draft-04 schemas

var ajv = new Ajv({
  meta: false, // optional, to prevent adding draft-06 meta-schema
  extendRefs: true, // optional, current default is to 'fail', spec behaviour is to 'ignore'
  unknownFormats: 'ignore',  // optional, current default is true (fail)
  // ...

var metaSchema = require('ajv/lib/refs/json-schema-draft-04.json');
ajv._opts.defaultMeta = metaSchema.id;

// optional, using unversioned URI is out of spec, see https://github.com/json-schema-org/json-schema-spec/issues/216
ajv._refs['http://json-schema.org/schema'] = 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema';

// Optionally you can also disable keywords defined in draft-06

If you use need to continue using schemas requiring v5 mode of Ajv

var ajv = new Ajv({
  $data: true,
  patternGroups: true,
  meta: false, // optional, to prevent adding draft-06 meta-schema
  extendRefs: true, // optional, current default is to 'fail', spec behaviour is to 'ignore'
  unknownFormats: 'ignore',  // optional, current default is true (fail)
  // ...

ajv._refs['http://json-schema.org/schema'] = 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema'; // optional, using unversioned URI is out of spec
var metaSchema = require('ajv/lib/refs/json-schema-v5.json');
ajv._opts.defaultMeta = metaSchema.id;

// optional - to avoid changing the schemas
ajv.addKeyword('constant', { macro: x => ({ const: x }) }); // this keyword is renamed to const in draft-06
// you need to use version "^2.0.0" of ajv-keywords
require('ajv-keywords')(ajv, ['switch', 'patternRequired', 'formatMinimum', 'formatMaximum']);

// Optionally you can also disable propertyNames keyword defined in draft-06


Validation keywords



  • Support custom formats for numbers (#291).
  • Format "regex" is changed to prohibit \Z anchor.
  • Format "uri" is changed to only allow absolute URIs, relative URIs are supported with "uri-reference".
  • Added format "url" (WHATWG URL specification).


  • Methods are no longer bound to Ajv instances (#232).
  • compileAsync method returns Promise and supports async loading of meta-schemas (#249, #334).


  • schemaId determining whether $id, id or both are used.
  • $data for $data reference support.
  • ownProperties supports all keywords (#197).
  • serialize to replace json-stable-stringify with another function to serialise schemas.
  • Log warning instead of throwing exception when option meta: false is used without validateSchema: false.
  • processCode: function() {} can be used to beautify/transpile generated code.
  • beautify: true is no longer supported.
  • v5 is no longer used.

Option defaults changed:

  • extendRefs: "ignore" - when $ref is used other keywords are ignored (was true) (#294).
  • sourceCode: false - do not store source code of validation functions (was true) (#309).
  • unknownFormats: true - fail schema compilation (was "ignore") (#324).

Asynchronous validation

  • Auto-detection of async mode and transpile option support require ajv-async package.
  • Default async mode is "co*" (co-wrapped generator functions).
  • If you need to transpile code without ajv-async package, you can pass transpilation function in processCode option. See Options.
  • In case of validation success, returned Promise resolves with validated data to simplify chaining (previously it resolved with true).


  • Ajv.MissingRefError class is used to throw missing $ref exception.
  • Typings are updated - typescript 2.0 is required.
  • Errors are logged using console.warn and console.error (#265).
  • Improve error handling (#380, #394).
  • Improve webpack support (#403).

Related packages

Compatible versions are:


The new version differs by 144 commits .

  • 8641c6b version 5.0.0
  • fde7030 Merge pull request #464 from epoberezkin/5.0.0
  • 21818c7 Merge branch 'master' into 5.0.0
  • 2fc8a64 Merge branch 'master' into 5.0.0
  • 67dd36a version 5.0.4-beta.3
  • e82b62d Merge branch 'master' into 5.0.0
  • b8fdbd1 Merge branch 'gajus-feat/add-url-record-format' into 5.0.0
  • 8bb21dd Merge branch 'feat/add-url-record-format' of https://github.com/gajus/ajv into gajus-feat/add-url-record-format
  • 3b0eee3 Merge branch 'master' into 5.0.0
  • cc711fc docs: migrate schemas with ajv-cli
  • d9ee511 fix: modifying custom keyword should not update parent data of root data
  • 3f9ab64 feat: more comprehencive uri-reference format in {format: "full"} mode
  • 0b308db test: update JSON-Schema-Test-Suite, enable optional/bignum test
  • 2daf587 version 5.0.4-beta.0
  • 02f9a15 Merge branch 'master' into 5.0.0

There are 144 commits in total. See the full diff.

Not sure how things should work exactly? There is a collection of [frequently asked questions](https://greenkeeper.io/faq.html) and of course you may always [ask my humans](https://github.com/greenkeeperio/greenkeeper/issues/new).

Your Greenkeeper Bot :palm_tree: