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[Spellcheck issue] Spelling errors are not reliably or persistently marked, or not triggered #214

Open vassudanagunta opened 8 years ago

vassudanagunta commented 8 years ago

Typora makes use of the MacOS spell checker, but the integration appears to be poor. Misspelled words are not always marked (underlined with a dashed red line), and correctly spelled words are sometimes incorrectly marked. Furthermore, starting a new line (pressing ENTER) removes all marks, and no misspellings are shown if the doc is closed and reopened.

The incorrect behavior does not manifest in other apps (such as TextEdit, or even this text field in Safari) that use the built-in spell checker, which indicates the problem is with Typora's integration.

Repro Steps

Each of the errors below are consistently reproducible in Typora, but not in TextEdit.

Starting with a blank document:

  1. Type "Just jall me angel of the moorning, baby." Both "jall" and "moorning" will be correctly marked with a red line. But when you press ENTER to start a new line, both red marks will suddenly and incorrectly disappear.

  2. On a fresh line, type the same sentence again, but don't press ENTER. Instead, use the mouse to move the cursor to another line. Both red marks remain (as they should). Then go back (using either cursor keys or mouse) and correct both misspellings. When you change the "j" on "kall" to "c", the red mark correctly disappears, but when you remove the extra "o" from "moorning", it incorrectly remains. Even if one forces a recheck using Edit : Spelling and Grammer : Check Document Now, "morning" will still be marked in red.

  3. Type another line with misspellings. Again, don't press ENTER. Instead close the doc and then reopen it. Note that none of the mispellings are marked. Opening the same doc in either TextEdit and Byword shows all the misspellings (after a brief delay). If one forces a recheck using Edit : Spelling and Grammer : Check Document Now, the misspellings will be marked, but only if you repeatedly press ⌘; to iterate through all of the errors in the doc.

vassudanagunta commented 7 years ago

@abnerlee The behavior is (or has gotten) worse than I first reported them. I just updated the Issue description.

olets commented 6 years ago

In addition, words once marked misspelled stay marked misspelled even after correction:

timlockridge commented 6 years ago

I know this issue is rather old, but I can still reproduce it. All in-line spell checking on MacOS is essentially disabled, and it makes Typora (which is otherwise excellent) a tough sell for writing prose on the Mac.

kostrse commented 5 years ago

Also spell checking should ignore inline `code` blocks.

abnerlee commented 5 years ago

@kostrse That is by design.

kostrse commented 5 years ago

I meant it should NOT try to spell check inline code blocks. It works correctly in Windows, but in MacOS it messes up and tries to spell check code in the inline blocks too.

Jarettlh commented 4 years ago

This is not completely relevant to the original post, but since Issue #2706 was merged into this one:

I'm having the issue outlined in #2706, namely, the spellcheck feature does not work on the x64 version on Windows (version As per the thread suggests, downgrading to 0.9.70 fixes the issue, and spellcheck works again, so I doubt this is an issue with my system. I can provide more info if needed

abnerlee commented 4 years ago

@Jarettlh did spellcheck be turned on (you can check the status on status bar), and in which language it is used? Also, are you using Windows 10 or 8?

Jarettlh commented 4 years ago

@abnerlee Yes, it's enabled and set to English (US). I've tried auto-detect language as well. Windows 10. Like I said, I don't think it's my system because my system spell check works in versions <0.9.70 and in other software

Coderdude112 commented 4 years ago

I am having a very similar problem, with spell checker not working on any of my files, I am using Windows 10, 64-bit version and spell check is set to EN-US Thought I would add this here in case it helps :)

abnerlee commented 4 years ago

@Coderdude112 Did you installed English language pack on your Windows 10, also, did “Highlight misspelled words” in Windows Settings → Devices → Typing be enabled?

Coderdude112 commented 4 years ago

Hello, @abnerlee, Yes I have installed the English language pack and "Highlight misspelled words" is enabled

Samar900 commented 4 years ago

I meant it should NOT try to spell check inline code blocks. It works correctly in Windows, but in MacOS it messes up and tries to spell check code in the inline blocks too.


New user here. I am using code blocks to include citations and special comments, and would very much like to have spell check enabled here. But Typora is now ignoring the code blocks completely. Can this behavior of spellchecking (or not) within the code blocks be made optional?


daeh commented 2 years ago

Still having this issue (v1.0.5) on MacOS (v11.6.2). Sometimes editing one part of a file makes the underlines elsewhere disappear.

kkukshtel commented 2 years ago

Is this theme specific? I had no idea there was even spell check in Typora, the theme I use (Nord) has never once shown me a misspelled word underline. Would love to have this feature, it's a major missing piece of Typora.

olets commented 2 years ago

@kkukshtel to the degree that this works at all, it works for me with Nord. It's still unreliable though.

kkukshtel commented 2 years ago

@olets Just realized I mentioned the wrong theme — I'm using Quartz. Never worked there, may try Nord.

olets commented 2 years ago

@kkukshtel works for me with Quartz (with the bugs described above) in version 1.2.4 (6304). Don't know if it's possible to restyle system native spelling warnings, but I don't see anything in the Quartz CSS attempting to target it.

gagomes commented 1 year ago

Any revised update on the state of Grammarly integration? Would be great to have this integration available in typora.

daeh commented 1 year ago

Unreliable spellcheck decoration continues to be a persistent aggravation for me (v1.4.8, MacOS 12.6.1). I've done a complete uninstall, tried every theme... I usually have to click on a word for the text decoration to appear.

This issue was opened in 2016.

daeh commented 1 year ago

Seems like v1.5.5 might have made some incremental improvements, but the major issues are still present. Now, misspelled in a given paragraph get decorated when I edit that paragraph, but misspelled words in other paragraphs remain unmarked.