Open vassudanagunta opened 5 years ago
They can be unified, and setting data and other temp files would be seperated to make setting data easier to sync/backup by sync target folder.
They can be unified, and setting data and other temp files would be seperated to make setting data easier to sync/backup by sync target folder.
Any progress on this?
Bumping. Some of the markdown that is produced out of the gate drives my markdownlint tool crazy. I'd like to setup my json settings to include all the required configuration and ensure macOS and windows both play nice with desired markdown settings. If this has been solved elsewhere let me know, as I see a lot of related issues, but last time i went through them I didn't find a solution.
Hmm.. Currently preferences data also contains some machine-specific configs, like launch location, image location, custom commands, etc
I use Git filters (below) to keep Typora's config files under version control. Don't ask how many hours it took to figure out :wink:
The first is applied to
on Linux and uses xxd
to convert the hex-encoded JSON to plain JSON, jsonlint
(from demjson) to clean up any invalid syntax, and jq
to remove host-specific values and sort/format/normalise the JSON.
The second is applied to abnerworks.Typora.plist
on macOS and uses PlistBuddy
to perform a similar cleanup.
The effect of these is that plain JSON and XML are committed to the repository while working copies remain encoded on the filesystem.
[filter "typora"]
clean = xxd -r -p | jsonlint -Sf --sort preserve | jq -S --indent 4 'del(.\"sidebar-width\",.customZoom,.initialize_ver,.lastClosedBounds,.lastSavePath,.pinFolder,.sidebar_tab,.uuid,.zoomFactor,.zoomLevel)|.preLinebreakOnExport=false'
smudge = jsonlint -Sf --sort preserve | jq -c | xxd -p | tr -d '\\n'
[filter "typora-plist"]
clean = "! test -x /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy&&cat||{ f=$(mktemp)&&cat >\"$f\"&&for k in ClosedWindowFrame NSNavLastRootDirectory NSNavLastUserSetHideExtensionButtonState NSNavPanelExpandedSizeForOpenMode \"NSWindow Frame _ClosedWindowFrame\" \"NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlert\" SUHasLaunchedBefore SULastCheckTime SUUpdateRelaunchingMarker currentThemeFolder initialize_ver recentFolder savedLastOpen uuid;do /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Delete \\\":$k\\\"\" \"$f\" >&2||:;done&&cat \"$f\"&&rm \"$f\";}"
smudge = cat
For completeness, here are the corresponding .gitattributes
**/[tT]ypora/*.data filter=typora
abnerworks.Typora.plist filter=typora-plist
This is a kludge with multiple points of failure, and recovering from filter errors thrown during staging or checkout can be messy, so I'm not advocating for it (and I definitely don't have time to support it)--but maybe something here will help others figure out interim solutions while we all wait for Typora to write clean, platform-agnostic config files :grinning:
Would also love to see this sorted out. Moreover, it'd be awesome if Typora were to follow XDG basedir spec (on macOS as well) - that'd make config backups and sync using standard tools (like chezmoi) much easier.
I found these three dirs in Application support. It's not a big deal, but it's not good behavior for apps to do this: