typora / typora-issues

Bugs, suggestions or free discussions about the minimal markdown editor — Typora
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iOS, iPadOS and Android App #525

Open saivan opened 7 years ago

saivan commented 7 years ago

It seems that typora is built on something like electron if I'm not mistaken. Why not make it into an ios app so that it can be used in a mobile setting. I don't know how hard this would be, but I'd happily pay for a version of typora that works with iOS since it would be easy to get handwritten notes into it. Perhaps use something like:


jdseyres commented 7 years ago

I'd really love to have an iOS version too, both on iPhone and iPad. And I'd be ready to pay for it too.

luckyufei commented 7 years ago

typora is so good, I am waiting for android version!

blankmann commented 7 years ago

iOS Typora! Please.

x7x7 commented 7 years ago

I really expect an iOS version .

At present, no any markdown editor in iOS gives a satisfying latex function. If Typora-ios comes up, it will be the only one.

davemacaulay commented 6 years ago

I'd really love to see this, I thought Bear might work as well as Typora but it doesn't.

There's some great solutions for building mobile apps using similar things to Electron: https://ionicframework.com https://facebook.github.io/react-native/

vassudanagunta commented 6 years ago

It would be great if the iOS version implemented iOS features that enable interoperability with Working Copy for Git and GitHub access, Editorial for publishing workflows, etc.

HADB commented 6 years ago


miztizm commented 6 years ago

+1 for ios version. I will gaveup a dropbox paper. Promise.

somaGFX commented 6 years ago

I really would love to see a Android and iOS version because I am heavily using both systems.

Typora is so good. Don't know why it's not open source though. It's made of a lot of open source stuff.

How ever I am a huge fan of the tool and use it since the first beta version came out.

samirelanduk commented 6 years ago

Would like to add my voice to the calls for an iOS version. No other app on iOS comes close to the functionality that the Desktop Typora app offers. Would gladly pay outright or via subscription for an iOS app.

ZeroVa commented 6 years ago

I, too, would absolutely love an Android or iOS version of Typora. Such beautiful software :)

vassudanagunta commented 6 years ago

In the meantime, checkout http://1writerapp.com. It syncs via both iCloud and Dropbox, has full text search, indexes #hashtags. automatically imports and applies a customizable template to selected text from other apps (e.g. Safari) via share sheet, and more...

boettges commented 6 years ago

@vassudanagunta Thanks for the tip! How do you work with hashtags in Typora? For me they always get converted to headlines

vassudanagunta commented 6 years ago

Typora follows GFM/CommonMark, which define ATX headings as a # followed by a space then the heading text. Hashtags by definition don't have the space. So you shouldn't be having that problem.

I've spoken with the 1Writer dev, who's very responsive, about 1Writer also indexing tags in YAML front matter. He is totally down with the idea and it's on his todo list. I tag my writings usually in front matter, but I also like to embed hashtags when I want to tag something specific deep in the content. So it would be great if they both got indexed. Fingers crossed.

boettges commented 6 years ago

@vassudanagunta just checked again. Strict mode has to be activated to not convert tags headlines. But one issue remains: Typora doesn't support hashtags to navigate between files.

It would actually be an amazing feature that really differentiates it from other note taking solutions. Depending on your chosen "root" folder of your typora window the amount of tags available can be limited to those only relevant in a specific project.

vassudanagunta commented 6 years ago

@boettges Yeah that would be a big change for Typora, because right now it really is an editor for individual files, not assemblies of pages. For starters, as you said, there would have to be a root folder.

I think it is important for Typora to focus on getting rock solid about doing individual pages. Once it gets there, I hope it supports what 1Writer does, what you suggest.

There is no standard for assemblies of markdown content. If you have a folder of Markdown content that works in 1Writer, it doesn't work as-is in Jekyll or Hugo. I'm actually trying to address that with Markaround. With a standard, you could have your folder hierarchy of notes and it would be portable across editors, static-site generators, and support a lot of cool features like automatic broken link detection or automatic link updating when you move or rename a page. If you want to be updated, star/watch the repo! :)

boettges commented 6 years ago

Actually my most used feature of Typora is to drag the "root"-folder of my notes into the window and have Typora list all .md-files in it. I navigate between them in a similar fashion as I would with notes in other note-taking applications, but just on file-system basis.

Markaround looks like a solid idea as well 👌

vassudanagunta commented 6 years ago

I love that Typora does that. But to support an index of hashtags for all content within a given folder, it would have to maintain an index specific to that folder:

The only way Typora could do this far any arbitrary folder that you drag into it:

Regardless, it is a lot more involved than what Typora does now, which is simply to show the folder tree in the sidebar, without giving any special treatment to that tree or its root folder. It a big change!

But IF Typora one day did this, it could have so many benefits:

@abnerlee seemed to close the door to this idea a couple of years ago (#57), or maybe he was just deferring it?

My goal for Markaround is to make document trees or assemblies standardized and portable. It would allow doing all of the above in a portable way.

CaptainJack-Git commented 6 years ago

1+ for ios

PhilipWhiteside commented 6 years ago


create these indexes on-the-fly in memory every time you open/drag a folder into it. I'm not sure that will scale to a folder containing hundreds of files.

This is how VSNotes does it. An extension for Visual Studio Code, which reads the front matter of all notes in a loaded directory, then builds a tag list. It worked alright, but there is a lag on first load as you mention.

charleshan commented 6 years ago

Any recommendations for using Typora + Google Drive on Android?

rdewolff commented 6 years ago

Any news ?

charleshan commented 6 years ago

I started using Dropbox Paper on android becuase it has a pretty good markdown export.

benmo220 commented 6 years ago

1 + for Android

XunshanMan commented 5 years ago

+1 for ios now i'm using it on Windows 10 and my ubuntu, such a nice app~

zkelo commented 5 years ago

+1 for android

yechao-zhang commented 5 years ago

+1 for ios, please!!!!

dtvrs commented 5 years ago

+1 for Android, typora easily beats Textie, which is great, but typora please 😁

vico93 commented 5 years ago

+1 for Android, the only alternative i found for now is StackEdit, but it lacks WYSIWYG-ness Typora has (and isnt a native app, so try to went offline).

ElviraLL commented 5 years ago

+1 for ios app!!!!!

PhilipWhiteside commented 5 years ago

Please don't comment with +1, it only spams up the issue. Reserve comments for feedback and input into the feature. Instead please thumbs up the issue, so that the dev can see the interest from an analytical point of interest.

screenshot from 2018-10-03 07-17-51

vassudanagunta commented 5 years ago

@abnerlee maybe it makes sense to Lock conversation since this is not an issue where anyone can supply more information other than "I agree" and "I disagree". We're all getting spam in our inbox. You can add a final message before locking it, such as:

Comments are locked. If you want to express your approval or disapproval, please add your reaction at the top.

vico93 commented 5 years ago

I think the folks think without constant "updating" the issue the devs will just forget about it.....

abnerlee commented 5 years ago

I will lock this since this gets too long.

We fully understand your requirements, but we will consider this after v1.0 release, for now, we can only focus on the desktop version.

Note: Typora is a Markdown editor, so you could still choose any Markdown/Text editor to work with Typora on mobile devices.