typst-community / valkyrie

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Adds the list of choices to the `choice` type #37

Closed jneug closed 2 weeks ago

jneug commented 2 weeks ago

This allows access from other packages / templates to the list of choices available for this type.

jneug commented 2 weeks ago

As dicussed in #36.

JamesxX commented 2 weeks ago

On the one side, consistency would be nice, on the other, descriptive fields (especially when the shape of the data might change between schemas) might be the way to go

jneug commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure how this is supposed to work. A "choices" key wouldn't make much sense for other types than #choice. Or what do you mean by keeping it consistent? Types like #dictionary, #array and #either already expose additional keys that other types don't.

I can think of two kinds of types: "basic types" that check the type of the provided value against a list of allowed types and "complex types" that add some logic (assertions, pre-/post-transforms).

For these "complex types" unique keys might help identify them more reliably than the name. If a choices field exists, I'm dealing with some kind of choice type and not an array, while descendants-schema suggests the reverse.

JamesxX commented 2 weeks ago

Good points and well made. When I get home tonight I'll go through each of the schema generators and see what needs changing

JamesxX commented 2 weeks ago

In meantime, no reason why this shouldn't be merged. I'll keep open because there's some nice discussion on field names which will be important still

JamesxX commented 2 weeks ago

One thing I'd like to change now that choices are stored in a field is for the assertion to read that field rather than keep it's own copy. It's a design I've tried to implement in the other generators so that (in this example) choices can still be changed after schema generation