typst-community / valkyrie

Type safe type safety for Typst
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Version 0.2.0 #5

Closed JamesxX closed 1 month ago

JamesxX commented 1 month ago

An almost complete refactor of version 0.1.1. This version adds the optional flag (#4), along with the addition of an assortment of types that are commonly used.

To do:

JamesxX commented 1 month ago

Overall pretty good.

I think it's very important that we add a formatter to the workflow. Some of the stylistic choices make it very hard to review the code. This also makes it harder for others to contribute. typstyle seems to be a good choice.

Thanks, I've applied typstyle to the current files, but do you know how to install it locally so I can make a just file command?

tingerrr commented 1 month ago

Thanks, I've applied typstyle to the current files, but do you know how to install it locally so I can make a just file command?

If you have a rust toolchain installed, it would be cargo install --git LINK, otherwise the releases should have precompiled binaries for your platform of choice. The tinymist LSP also comes with this formatter built in.

JamesxX commented 1 month ago

The test that is failing is due to a local package being used in the docs. I'd anyway like to push this as a version now, so if anyone is up to it, could it be reviewed?

JamesxX commented 1 month ago

blocked by https://github.com/typst/packages/pull/694

JamesxX commented 1 month ago

I think the manual is missing a monospace font, the examples are all non-monospace. You're also sill referencing a local fork of mantys, we don't wanna have that blocking CI, so we either need to install the fork in CI or switch to a live version.

Looks to be mantys trying to use the font "Liberation Mono" for code for some reason. Not sure how to install it in the CI but the live version doesn't export add-type, which is needed to show the proper return types of the functions.

Will recompile docs with font and push that to both this repo and the packages repo.