typst / biblatex

A Rust crate for parsing and writing BibTeX and BibLaTeX files.
Apache License 2.0
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Put empty lines between entries in the string generated from `to_bibtex_string()` and `to_biblatex_string()` #19

Closed ariroffe closed 2 years ago

ariroffe commented 2 years ago

Sorry to be such a burden but I am actively working on something that uses this library. This is a mini issue.

The output of to_bibtex_string() and to_biblatex_string() lists entries one directly after the other, with no whitespace inbetween, which isn't very pleasing to the eye. I think it would be nicer if the methods put a space between them.

I think that all that would need to be changed is: lib.rs, line 199: biblatex.push('\n'); ==> biblatex.push_str("\n\n");

And the same in line 217 for bibtex.

reknih commented 2 years ago

It is done. The write_... methods now behave identically and the double newline at the end of the string is omitted.

Don't worry about the volume of your messages, it's nice to know someone else is actually using this!