tyrasd / osmtogeojson

convert osm to geojson
MIT License
683 stars 112 forks source link

Support `convert result ::=::,::geom=geom(),length=length(); ` #130

Open tordans opened 2 years ago

tordans commented 2 years ago

In https://github.com/drolbr/Overpass-API/issues/237#issuecomment-927285088I @drolbr showed this handy way to inject the length of a way into the tags of the osm-tags output.

Unfortunately, that breaks osmtogeojson. When I try to convert, I get an empty result

This works


out geom;
Output ```json { "version": 0.6, "generator": "Overpass API 7d656e78", "osm3s": { "timestamp_osm_base": "2021-11-15T18:29:14Z", "copyright": "The data included in this document is from www.openstreetmap.org. The data is made available under ODbL." }, "elements": [ { "type": "way", "id": 23694377, "bounds": { "minlat": 41.8943972, "minlon": 12.4938181, "maxlat": 41.8948117, "maxlon": 12.4938504 }, "nodes": [ 3134209747, 256573077, 256573071 ], "geometry": [ { "lat": 41.8948117, "lon": 12.4938504 }, { "lat": 41.8947155, "lon": 12.4938459 }, { "lat": 41.8943972, "lon": 12.4938181 } ], "tags": { "foot": "yes", "highway": "service", "name": "Via Monte Polacco", "service": "alley", "surface": "sett" } }, { "type": "way", "id": 140757469, "bounds": { "minlat": 41.8940306, "minlon": 12.4943443, "maxlat": 41.8942735, "maxlon": 12.4949911 }, "nodes": [ 1541394684, 1541394687, 1541394738, 1541394751, 3545433320, 1541394743, 3545433319, 1541394616, 1541394611, 1541394620, 1541394655, 1541394668, 1541394684 ], "geometry": [ { "lat": 41.8942435, "lon": 12.4943814 }, { "lat": 41.8942381, "lon": 12.4945093 }, { "lat": 41.8942386, "lon": 12.4947562 }, { "lat": 41.8942735, "lon": 12.4949444 }, { "lat": 41.8942665, "lon": 12.4949911 }, { "lat": 41.8942443, "lon": 12.4949835 }, { "lat": 41.8941869, "lon": 12.4948972 }, { "lat": 41.8940349, "lon": 12.4945142 }, { "lat": 41.8940306, "lon": 12.4944422 }, { "lat": 41.8940584, "lon": 12.4943616 }, { "lat": 41.8940992, "lon": 12.4943443 }, { "lat": 41.8941506, "lon": 12.4943529 }, { "lat": 41.8942435, "lon": 12.4943814 } ], "tags": { "access": "private", "highway": "service", "service": "parking_aisle", "surface": "asphalt" } }, { "type": "way", "id": 140757481, "bounds": { "minlat": 41.8941137, "minlon": 12.4939823, "maxlat": 41.8942462, "maxlon": 12.4943814 }, "nodes": [ 1541394684, 1541394734, 1541394717, 1541394666, 1541394660 ], "geometry": [ { "lat": 41.8942435, "lon": 12.4943814 }, { "lat": 41.8942462, "lon": 12.4943089 }, { "lat": 41.8942317, "lon": 12.4942490 }, { "lat": 41.8941404, "lon": 12.4940229 }, { "lat": 41.8941137, "lon": 12.4939823 } ], "tags": { "access": "private", "highway": "service", "service": "driveway" } }, { "type": "way", "id": 348410740, "bounds": { "minlat": 41.8937940, "minlon": 12.4938787, "maxlat": 41.8939344, "maxlon": 12.4942016 }, "nodes": [ 3545433304, 3545433303, 3545433301 ], "geometry": [ { "lat": 41.8939344, "lon": 12.4942016 }, { "lat": 41.8939152, "lon": 12.4941676 }, { "lat": 41.8937940, "lon": 12.4938787 } ], "tags": { "highway": "service" } } ] } ```

And transforming it via http://tyrasd.github.io/osmtogeojson/ works.

This does not work


convert result ::=::,::geom=geom(),length=length();
out geom;
Output ```json { "version": 0.6, "generator": "Overpass API 0.7.57 93a4d346", "osm3s": { "timestamp_osm_base": "2021-11-15T18:16:02Z", "copyright": "The data included in this document is from www.openstreetmap.org. The data is made available under ODbL." }, "elements": [ { "type": "result", "id": 1, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [12.4942016, 41.8939344], [12.4941676, 41.8939152], [12.4938787, 41.8937940] ] }, "tags": { "highway": "service", "length": "30.959" } }, { "type": "result", "id": 2, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [12.4938504, 41.8948117], [12.4938459, 41.8947155], [12.4938181, 41.8943972] ] }, "tags": { "foot": "yes", "highway": "service", "name": "Via Monte Polacco", "service": "alley", "surface": "sett", "length": "46.137" } }, { "type": "result", "id": 3, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [12.4943814, 41.8942435], [12.4945093, 41.8942381], [12.4947562, 41.8942386], [12.4949444, 41.8942735], [12.4949911, 41.8942665], [12.4949835, 41.8942443], [12.4948972, 41.8941869], [12.4945142, 41.8940349], [12.4944422, 41.8940306], [12.4943616, 41.8940584], [12.4943443, 41.8940992], [12.4943529, 41.8941506], [12.4943814, 41.8942435] ] }, "tags": { "access": "private", "highway": "service", "service": "parking_aisle", "surface": "asphalt", "length": "133.432" } }, { "type": "result", "id": 4, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [12.4943814, 41.8942435], [12.4943089, 41.8942462], [12.4942490, 41.8942317], [12.4940229, 41.8941404], [12.4939823, 41.8941137] ] }, "tags": { "access": "private", "highway": "service", "service": "driveway", "length": "36.969" } } ] } ```

Transforming it via http://tyrasd.github.io/osmtogeojson/ returns:

"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [

tordans commented 2 years ago

Update in case someone finds this in search for a workaround: I build my own GeoJSON transformation.

I was using the stats workaround described in https://github.com/drolbr/Overpass-API/issues/237#issuecomment-927166761 before and used this script https://github.com/FixMyBerlin/osm-scripts/blob/7c70603210bc4dbf9f334e61f7dedb5da70cb4c4/ZESPlus/utils/transpose/_addLenghtFromOverpassStatsResultToGeoJson.ts to re-add the length as properties to the OSM-ways.

However, that had bad performance. I am now using convert approach described above and use a custom transformation to create GeoJSON from the output.

For this ticket, this also means, that it is not easy to just support the generated JSON since essential info (OSM id and OSM type) are missing by default.