tyrasd / overpass-turbo

A web based data mining tool for OpenStreetMap using the Overpass API.
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What happened to custom online queries? #665

Closed CapitaineMoustache closed 8 months ago

CapitaineMoustache commented 8 months ago

Since the last update, I can no longer access custom queries saved online and accessible by logging into one's OpenStreetMap account. Will they come back? Are they lost?

Long live Overpass Turbo! Thanks for your fantastic work!

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 12-00-14 overpass turbo

mnalis commented 8 months ago

I'm missing that Save to OSM / Load from OSM functionality too, and have several complex / important queries saved there which I can no longer access :sob:

(I do not use local saving to browser cookies/site data, as I use Overpass Turbo at multiple browsers with multiple computers, and in addition some browsers seems to be clearing that local data sometimes)

Can we have that feature back please?

mmd-osm commented 8 months ago

It's still working for me. Try to logout, then hit "Load" again, then again "Load" on the popup. Sign in to OSM and authorize overpass turbo.


mnalis commented 8 months ago

Try to logout, then hit "Load" again, then again "Load" on the popup

I would, but the Logout button is missing too (Even after force-refreshing with ctrl+f5):

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 22-25-59 overpass turbo Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 22-26-12 overpass turbo

I've tried clearing cookies and local storage for overpass-turbo.eu domain, as well as revoking Overpass turbo OAuth1 authorizations; but it still doesn't help. Firefox 115.4.0esr. Any hint what else to try? I really don't want to erase all cache / site data in Firefox for all sites :scream_cat:

mnalis commented 8 months ago

found it!

Just typing overpass-turbo.eu in web browsers opens plain http connection to http://overpass-turbo.eu/ which does not offer OSM Save/Load functionality (but works otherwise) !

Manually opening https site with https://overpass-turbo.eu/ does offer Saved Queries (osm.org) :smiley:

Perhaps http site should force-redirect to https, or at least use HSTS to avoid such behaviour?

Or at least such behaviour should be visibly documented (e.g. show Load from OSM but have text Must use https://overpass-turbo.eu to use this functionality below it instead of Load button)

mmd-osm commented 8 months ago

Force redirect has been discussed in #336. I think it would probably be somewhat annoying for people running their own Overpass instances over http... YMMV.

"such behaviour should be visibly documented" might be a good alternative.

CapitaineMoustache commented 8 months ago

Thanks a lot @mnalis! That was a HTTPS issue! #

found it!

Just typing overpass-turbo.eu in web browsers opens plain http connection to http://overpass-turbo.eu/ which does not offer OSM Save/Load functionality (but works otherwise) !

Manually opening https site with https://overpass-turbo.eu/ does offer Saved Queries (osm.org) 😃

Perhaps http site should force-redirect to https, or at least use HSTS to avoid such behaviour?

Or at least such behaviour should be visibly documented (e.g. show Load from OSM but have text Must use https://overpass-turbo.eu to use this functionality below it instead of Load button)

mnalis commented 5 months ago

Just to note that my solution ended up being turning on "Enable HTTPS-Only Mode in all windows" setting in my Firefox, which fixed the issue permanently, and I'd like to thank overpass-turbo to giving me a final nudge to do that :smile_cat:

I'd still recommend it would be nice for all unsuspecting users if there was a message that the functionality is disabled. I guess somewhere around here:
