tyrauber / stock_quote

A ruby gem that retrieves stock quotes from IEX
MIT License
211 stars 55 forks source link

adds a bunch of redundant code for good reason, I think? #11

Closed cjavdev closed 10 years ago

cjavdev commented 10 years ago

So I have a need for light weight json versions of the price data for some client side stuff. The history by default gives back an array of Stock objects, this is a bit heavy for my purposes, so I've created a lighter weight version for my purposes. maybe other people will find this useful? it should probably be refactored to dry it out...

tl;dr feel free to reject :)

tyrauber commented 10 years ago

I agree in principal. Being able to select specific fields and returning raw json are nice features to have. Although, I think there is a more concise method to achieve that same result. The yahoo api allows for us to query specific fields and natively returns json, so it is just a matter of exposing these features.

I have made the appropriate changes in the develop branch, updated the specs and readme.

Please review: bbf8a7fae2f0e9a62d2b100fde19e998154759b3

If it works for you, I'll do a merge and do a version bump.

cjavdev commented 10 years ago

yeah this looks great! thanks

tyrauber commented 10 years ago

No problem. Merged and bumped to 1.1.7. Thanks for the help.