tyrauber / stock_quote

A ruby gem that retrieves stock quotes from IEX
MIT License
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PercentChangeFromYearHigh #25

Closed stationstops closed 9 years ago

stationstops commented 9 years ago

quote.PercentChangeFromYearHigh quote.percent_change_from_year_high (and the misspellings in the source feed)

return nil, even though quote.inspect shows both the field and the value.

All other fields return fine.

tyrauber commented 9 years ago

Yep. Looks like the cause is the spelling error in the source feed, percebt_change_from_year_high. I made adjustments to accommodate the error and pushed version 1.2.3.

stationstops commented 9 years ago

I saw the commit message, but as my install wasn't very long ago, I assumed I had latest installed, without checking of course :|

tyrauber commented 9 years ago

No, you were correct. It was broken in the previous release. When I accepted #24, I assumed the spelling mistake was my own - (as does occasionally happen) - Not yahoo's. I shouldn't have assumed.

If you update your gems to the release I just pushed, 1.2.3, the issue should be resolved.

Thanks for letting me know. Most appreciated.

stationstops commented 9 years ago

Yeah update solved the problem immediately.

As a former Yahoo! engineer, I was flabbergasted to see that their typo seems to be accepted legacy on their part. Lame!