tyrauber / stock_quote

A ruby gem that retrieves stock quotes from IEX
MIT License
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StockQuote::Stock.quote(ticker_symbol) is not working ? #45

Closed ArihantLodha closed 6 years ago

ArihantLodha commented 6 years ago

On passing below.. StockQuote::Stock.quote("GOOG") on console..it's showing below error. StockQuote::NoDataForStockError

Can you please recheck ?

seboslaw commented 6 years ago

@ArihantLodha is it possible that you're using some other gem in parallel that is having similar dependencies? For me it was the quandl gem that depends on an outdated version (1.8.0) of restclient. To solve this conflict I guess bundler installed v.1.2.7 of stock_quote, which is an old version that processes against the deprecated Yahoo API

tyrauber commented 6 years ago

@ArihantLodha On November 1st, 2017, Yahoo Finance terminated public access to the API and stock_quote ceased to function in it's current state. Therefore, Version 1.5.0 now utilizes the Google Finance API and although functionally similar, the results, and therefore attributes, have changed. Please update accordingly.

Unfortunately, every version below 1.5.0 is broken due to the Yahoo change.

Sorry for the inconvenience.