tyru / current-func-info.vim

Get current function name
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Support Golang #7

Closed athom closed 11 years ago

athom commented 11 years ago

Hi @tyru, Thanks for your work, this plugin is very helpful to me. However it does not support go which is my daily language, so I made one:)

tyru commented 11 years ago

great! I'm also coming to like the language :)

but one thing I want to say is, why do you add cfi#echo_func_name()? Could you specify the use case of this function?

athom commented 11 years ago

Could you specify the use case of this function? just to show the function name in the status bar.

I guess the cfi#format(fmt, default) is doing the same thing? Would you show the usage of cfi#format?

tyru commented 11 years ago

I guess the cfi#format(fmt, default) is doing the same thing?

If you want to do the same thing as call cfi#echo_func_name(), you can write like this:

echo cfi#format("%s", "")

you can also specify format the result string:

echo cfi#format("[%s()]", "")

help: https://github.com/athom/current-func-info.vim/blob/7d1db844966ff14d09ed2d754eaff6d5246ea44a/doc/cfi.txt#L52-L56

athom commented 11 years ago

Hi, I removed the duplicated function. But I have a problem in invoking the echo func name function.

In the .vimrc file,

This works,

nmap <C-g> :echo cfi#format("%s\n", "")<CR>

while this is silent

nmap <C-g> :echo cfi#format("%s", "")<CR>

Do you have any idea?

athom commented 11 years ago

Maybe it's a MacVim bug

But I change it from

nmap <C-g> :echo cfi#format("%s", "")<CR>


nmap <C-g> :echo "x"<CR>

It did show something in the status bar, that's really weird.

tyru commented 11 years ago

hmm, certainly weird. what does :set stl output?

tyru commented 11 years ago

and I think <C-g> could be a little bit frustrating depending on your set timeout? timeoutlen? value. <C-g> is the prefix key of many many default vim keymappings.

athom commented 11 years ago

I change the key map, and it does not work neither.

nmap <C-@>f :set stl=%!Echo_fun_name()<CR>
function! Echo_fun_name()
  call cfi#format("%s", "")

How do you use the cfi plugin? Maybe that's better way I could learn about.

athom commented 11 years ago

hi, tyru.

I found the reason.

In the cfi#get_func_name function:

    let orig_view = winsaveview()
        let val = s:finder[filetype].find()
        return type(val) == type("") ? val : NONE
        call winrestview(orig_view)

the winresetview(orig_view) cause this bug.

I want to echo the the return value in the status line, so it break the win view. when the winresetview function was called in the finnally block. It bring the current win view to normal status. So the expected function name in the status line was gone.

The subtle point is if the function name is more than 1 line, it will shows up in the status bar again. It make me confused so I dive into the macvim code, I found when the status line is more than one line, it equals contains <cr> and will trigger the wait_return function, which will redraw the window again.

Another riddle is why vim is OK while MacVim is not OK?

here is the root cause, but I don't know why the author do this, looks like a patch.

Well, Let's go back to the plugin code. Why winsaveview and winresetview is needed here? I guess they are unnecessary, for the try block dose not do anything affecting the screen, right?

tyru commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the info. yeah I've seen many many different behavior of MacVim with other Vim versions... maybe you should report the winrestview() problem to MacVim team.

nmap <C-@>f :set stl=%!Echo_fun_name()<CR>
function! Echo_fun_name()
  call cfi#format("%s", "")

:set stl=%!Echo_fun_name() means "set Echo_fun_name()'s return value to 'statusline' option." (By the way, Echo_fun_name()'s return value is 0, because you don't :return cfi#format("%s", "")'s value instead of :call) so :set stl=%!Echo_fun_name() is evaluated only once when the Ex command is executed. maybe this is not what you want to do.

If you want to call cfi#format("%s", "") each when 'statusline' is changed, you can contain cfi#format("%s", "") expression in your statusline:

let &stl = '... your favorite statusline config ...'

" Append current function name to statusline
let &stl .= ' %{cfi#format("%s", "")}'

or if you want to show current function name when you press <C-@>f, you can write:

nnoremap <C-@>f :echo cfi#format("%s", "")<CR>

Hope this helps you :smile:

athom commented 11 years ago

Got it.

I don't want to get the function name info too frequently every time status line changed, a shortcut to get the name is just what I need.

nnoremap <C-@>f :echo cfi#format("%s", "")<CR>

Still not works on MacVim. Anyway, thanks for you info.

I will report it to the MacVim team.

tyru commented 11 years ago

By the way, now I noticed you added README.md file. Thanks! :)

Please change README.md a little bit. (Or I do it after merge if you hope)

After the change, I would be going to merge this pull req.


nmap <C-g> :echo cfi#format("%s\n", "")<CR>


nnoremap <C-g>f :echo cfi#format("%s", "")<CR>
athom commented 11 years ago

As your wish :smile:

tyru commented 11 years ago

Thanks for your work! :satisfied: