tytydraco / LADB

A local ADB shell for Android!
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LADB 2.4.2 weird connection issue (and workaround) #121

Open akpapathanasiou opened 2 weeks ago

akpapathanasiou commented 2 weeks ago

Hello :)

Many thanks for reverting back to the 2.3.1 backend, however I still face an issue where I cannot connect. However I have found a workaround (hence the new post), which may give you some understanding on what's happening.

I updated LADB to 2.4.2, cleared app data, revoked all authentications/connections, and rebooted. Still wasn't able to connect. LADB did identify the credentials (the popup closed) but it wasn't able to connect.

HOWEVER, I connected the device (Pixel 7 Pro) to a computer, entered adb tcpip 5555, and disconnected the device That was it. Now LADB instantly connects!

The only thing is, any command I enter through LADB from this point onwards, must be in the form of "adb -s emulator-5554 shell [...]", for some reason if I don't select emulator-5554 I get a "libadb.so: more than one device/emulator" error.

Hope that "adb tcpip 5555" workaround would maybe give you an idea of what's going on with the latest versions. For me, since I rarely reboot my phone though, it's not a big issue. Just wanted to let everyone know if they happen to also face connection issues :)

tytydraco commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, thanks for doing some debugging. I'm not sure why v2.4.x isn't working for the majority of users, I've even tried rolling back all the internal code changes besides updating the SDK stuff. The newer versions were much more reliable for my testing devices so I was shocked at the new reviews saying things got much worse.

As for the TCPIP workaround, sadly this wouldn't be a solution except for those with a PC as it's basically bypassing the pairing steps, but it's good to know that the app is still somewhat usable.

I went ahead and did a full rollback to v3.2.1 including all SDK upgrades (which were just to bring the app back up to modern versions of Android and would usually not change how the app runs). Praying this will finally solve the issue.

akpapathanasiou commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you tytydraco, I was hoping the issue was limited to a few users only, sad to hear it's the majority :(

Should we wait for a Play Store update or go ahead and uninstall/reinstall?

Thank you!