tytydraco / LADB

A local ADB shell for Android!
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AOSP version S - no return key present on keyboard #17

Closed serviceberry3 closed 3 years ago

serviceberry3 commented 3 years ago

Awesome work. I'm running aosp_flame-userdebug S AOSP.MASTER. When the keyboard pops up to type in shell cmds, there's no return key; in it's place is the emoji keyboard button. This can be fixed by changing android:inputType="textNoSuggestions|textShortMessage" to android:inputType="textNoSuggestions|text" in activity_main.xml, for example.

tytydraco commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Could you try testing this change on your device if you haven't already? I can merge it after. I don't own an Android 12 device is the reason.

serviceberry3 commented 3 years ago

@tytydraco Yup, I tested it

tytydraco commented 3 years ago


Problem solved. Thanks for the help!