tytydraco / LADB

A local ADB shell for Android!
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Reset connection without deleting the bookmarks #81

Closed eloraby closed 1 year ago

eloraby commented 1 year ago

The wifi ADB needs a reset every time I restart the device. THe solution is to do a factory reset and reenter the port and wifi code, but I also lose the bookmarks in the process. Would it be possible to allow reseting the connection information without losing the bookmarks?

ShadowFlare commented 1 year ago

It used to leave alone those. I don't know why this was changed to do this.

I've also got a device that clears the pairing list after nearly every reboot, and I mainly use this app after a reboot.

tytydraco commented 1 year ago

Ah I see! This will be fixed.

tytydraco commented 1 year ago
